Topic: Why did you become a Par? |
1. Author: AlfieAA Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 13:39 I'd imaging that a thread like this has been done before, but i'm starting this one anyway. I apologies for my writing, i'm no author. Neither of my parents were into sport at all, so I never really had any sporting influence when growing up. My Grandad was a Pars fan, but i think he was more of an armchair fan as I don't recall him ever attending games, he did work most weekends though. Anyway, I attended Carnock primary school and when in P6, the P6s and 7s got a day trip to East End Park. We met the legends that are Bert Paton and Norrie McCathie and were given a tour of the stadium by them. I'm 31 now, but can still remember how good they both were with us. It was that day that made me start to follow the Pars. The day trip also came with free tickets to the next home game against Hamilton Accies, we won 2-1. That was my first ever Pars game. I nearly gave my dad a black eye when I jumped up to celebrate our first goal. Since that fateful day I have always followed the Pars, even if i still wasn't a regular attendee at matches. My dad took me along to a couple of games, but they were few and far between. The one I remember the most was a cup game against Celtic. We held them to a 2-2 draw, in what I thought was a thrilling game. I also recall locking eyes with some wifie on a Celtic bus and her flashing me the finger. Charming. Even as an adult it seemed to take me ages to become a regular match attendee, even though I considered myself to be a fan. Last season was about my 6th season as a regular attendee at East End Park, and this season will be my first as a season ticket holder. I'm so grateful that we got that day trip to East End Park, because without it, god only knows what i'd be getting up to on Saturday afternoons. Once played pool with Norrie McCathie in the players lounge. Reply |
2. Author: FergPar Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 13:48 My whole family are life long Pars fans, literally no other team within the family. My granddad played for the Pars briefly. Went to Sunderland to sign and damaged his cruciate ligament in training and had to give it up. My first game was the Airdrie game when we won the league in 96. I think I would've been about 4/5. My cousin and I were more interested in the helicopter brining the trophy. I attended a few games a season including the 1-1 Falconbridge game, sure I was on the TV that day. Then the following season I had my first season ticket. Been a constant ever since. Was always my uncle and cousin I went with as my Dad stopped going purely because he felt the atmosphere had been sucked out of the ground as a result of the terracing being removed. They moved to Australia around 2007 and I moved from the Norrie into the NW. I've remained there ever since apart from a season in the Norrie as the NW was closed. Married this year to my wife and all going well I'd be delighted to start the cycle all over again with a little one of my own. Reply |
3. Author: PARrot Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 13:55 I found dotnet and had a good browse then decided there was an urgent need to improve the gene pool. ![]() Reply |
4. Author: General Zod Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:05 It's my local team. They represent part of who I am. Reply |
5. Author: sadindiefreak Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:07 Moved to Dunfermline when I was 11. Joined the scouts and one weekend they were all going to game v Hibs in the cup. Drew 1-1 with Leonard scoring for Pars. My mother wouldn't let me go to games on my own so wasn't til the next season Clyde game at home when I found some pals to go with that I started regular. The next season I became a ball boy at East End. The rest is history. And the bit I told you....that is also history. Reply |
6. Author: DJTRUPAR Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:22 Went to my first game when I was 7 and went for a couple years but wasn't a 'proper fan' at that age as I never caught the 'bug' as such. Never really supported anyone from 9-13 as was too busy playing football myself but always looked out for Pars scores. Added to the fact my mum never pushed me to support anyone in particular and would buy me lots of different tops when I was young. I even went to a couple of Falkirk games when I was around 10 with my stepdad and I know there is a pic of me in a Falkirk top somewhere at my mums from that age. (Head hung in shame) Started going back to East end when I was 14 and have never left since. I played in the youth team for a couple of years also and regrettably for me I mucked that up. Nowadays I couldn't even contemplate supporting anyone else. Reply |
7. Author: Pars11 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:29 Family tradition to follow the Pars. Lucky enough to see all the great Pars and other great teams from 1965 on including European opposition. Closer to home cup opponents fielded some great players likes of Clyde Best. George Best playing league football for Hibernian, Davie Cooper, Ray MacKinnon and Wullie Johnston of Rangers. Jimmy Johnstone and Kenny Daglish of Celtic all gave games an edge that remain strong memories. The tradition carries on with sons and grandsons all Pars supporters. Still remember the pain of Alex Fergusons transfer, relegation in the early 70's, return of Bert and Leishman as managers. All of these things came to the fore in recent years of financial woes. Support another team never, glory hunters who look elsewhere will never realise what it takes to ride the emotional rollercoaster that the Pars provide. I just love the feeling when the Pars win or have played a blinder performance. Bluebell Polka Reply |
8. Author: Rastapari Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:34 My uncle Joe was the the kit man and my grandad the groundsman Jackie Hart who was there for years.... So I had an attachment to the Pars.. Reply |
9. Author: dave67 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:36 '' I attended Carnock primary school and when in P6, the P6s and 7s got a day trip to East End Park'' Would you say the school visit Helped make up your mind AlfieAA Just so I can pass info to Tours for Schools Reply |
10. Author: Mon-pa Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:40 Best part of my childhood was going to see the pars with my pals. Always a thrill to get through turnstiles and get into the stadium and see the pitch. Really special. Pars in my blood; pars tillI die Coyp! ARTY Reply |
11. Author: Playup_Pompey Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:51 Dad worked on the turnstyles and took me along from Mid 90s. This was stopped by the club when promoted to Premier league (at the time) and i then got a season ticket. Dad was originally from the West and was a season ticket holder for years at Celtic but was happy to just get out and watch football on a saturday so followed Dunfermline. Scottish football does get very stale pretty quickly and 20 years since my first game the appeal of watching Dunfermline hasn't gone but the thought of some away games bores me to tears. Probably similar to him now that i find myself attending junior games etc on a Saturday when no league games etc on. Enjoy visiting new grounds and last few years have taken in champions league games to see some of the best players of our generation. ![]() Reply |
12. Author: MDCCCLXXXV Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 14:53 I was brought up as a blue nose. All my dads side were rangers fans. My cousin even bought himself a Rangers kit with the money he got from his first communion. I was at Ibrox shortly after souness took over at Govan. All around the ground were 50,000 so called football fans singing about a battle that happened in a different country 300 years before. At that exact moment I decided I wouldn't set foot in that $h!t hole again. Around the same time my youngest sister was dating a pars fan from lochgelly. After going to a couple of games at EEP I was hooked. Been a pars fan ever since, season ticket holder for last 20 years. I have been back at snake mountain a few times since, but in the correct end this time. ![]() Reply |
13. Author: AlfieAA Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:06 dave67. I would say with absolute certainty that the school visit is the number 1 reason for me being a Pars fan today. It was that day that put the Pars on my radar and gave me a reason to support a club. Even if it did take me a while to become a regular lol. Once played pool with Norrie McCathie in the players lounge. Reply |
14. Author: Calabar par Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:12 My grandad played for Dunfermline b4 the war (George Harrison) but can't find anything about him as a player. Just got old pictures of him playing. My brother in law also took me too see the pars when I was 10,and been going ever since. Reply |
15. Author: sadindiefreak Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:16 dave67, Thu 8 Jun 14:36 It was going along with scouts that got me started. Maybe club can look at getting tours for scouts/cubs/bb's. Give a wee taster and get them hooked. Reply |
16. Author: Lambo1885 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:18 My Dad went home and away all his life, took me to my first game Jan 85 and I've joined him ever since. Was interesting growing up in Kdy, altho there were quite a few of us Pars. Reply |
17. Author: widtink Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:42 I was passing the ground on ma bike one Saturday .... 1979 at a guess .... and the big gates were wide open. So I had a wee look , there was a game going on .... that was it . I was a pars fan. My mum wasn't happy when I told her where I'd been that day .. cos we lived in abbey view .... and I was only 8 years old. I fair got about on that bike lol Admin ![]() Reply |
18. Author: PAR57 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 15:58 First few years I lived in Malta. We came back to live in Kelty for a wee while. My Aunt was a Postie, working for Jimmy McConville [ Jimmy's family are still in contact ] so the link with the Pars was formed. I saw most of the big European nights at EEP........Including the West Brom "Hawthorns" game beamed back to EEP onto the big mother allowed me to attend EEP aged 11, as long as I took a wee flask of tea and a sandwich for my supper !!!!!!!! Needless to say, when the Paddy Gardner goal went into the net......the full flask went spinning upwards...only to shatter a few yards tea !!! I have often thought that there is mileage in having a wee get together at EEP and share a few stories, there must be hundreds of Pars fans still around with these memories......COYP. Reply |
19. Author: dino1986 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 16:14 Growing up as a child till about 14 I didn't attend that many games. My dad is a closet Rangers fan can always remember him have the odd Rangers top throughout my childhood but he would say he supported the pars. Strange I know. He would but me pars strips and take me to the odd game mainly because his pal took his laddie so we chummed along with them. My earliest memory is the Airdrie game when we won the league and the conga that was started in which is now the cowden end. Can't really remember much other game other than against Rangers as my dad would always take me to that and that got me hooked due to the atmosphere and the bigger crowd. If memor. Serves me right the first Pars Rangers game I can remember was when Smith missed a penalty near the end of the game. Majority of ma pals growing up were old firm fans but at age 14 met my now good friend and we attended game quite often when at home. Been a regular ever since and me and my laddie now go to most home games and the odd away game. Reply |
20. Author: dave67 Date: Thu 8th Jun 2017. 18:40 Topic Originator: sadindiefreak like | nolike Date: Thu 8 Jun 15:16 Quote: dave67, Thu 8 Jun 14:36 '' I attended Carnock primary school and when in P6, the P6s and 7s got a day trip to East End Park'' Would you say the school visit Helped make up your mind AlfieAA Just so I can pass info to Tours for Schools It was going along with scouts that got me started. Maybe club can look at getting tours for scouts/cubs/bb's. Give a wee taster and get them hooked. Not so easy when they want to come along at night But definitely something to look into Reply |