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Topic: Why did you become a Par?
41. Author:  mach1        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 14:24

You must have had a few kickabouts on the Ballast Bank then RA.

I lived in Fraser Avenue, when they were brand spanking new houses and sometimes walked down from the old school, taking the long route by the football pitch.

Old memories.

42. Author:  sonofpetrie        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 14:32

Faither (who is fast approaching 72) became an orphan at 5 years old. Came from a family of 9 in Kelty. He was brought up by his sister and brother in law who lived in Dunfermline. Now here's where it gets interesting. His brother in law used to do all the things a surrogate father would do, probably more than his own dad ever did to be quite frank. Fishing, baking, walks etc.......and football. He was taken to 2 places when he was a laddie and given the choice. Ground number 1 was
....well identical to how it is today. A downbeat hole of a stage for football. I give you central park folks.

The 2nd ground was a glowing beacon of all that is holy, pure and good about football....East End Park. Needless to say that even as a youngster he knew straight away. 67 years later you will still find the moaning old bugger sitting in the Norrie. Waxing lyrical about Sir Roy Barry, Sir Alex Edwards and Sir Alec Smith. I always notice the tint of his spectacles turn a distinct rose colour as he walks in to East end....the way mine probably do as I tell my boy of 7 about Isvtvan Kozma, Jim "ziggy" Bowie and Norrie.

I s'pose I haven't really told my story there....more my dad's. To be honest tho there was never any doubt who my team would be. It's the place where we can sit and talk about everything and nothing all at the same time for 90 minutes.....its home and always will be.

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"

43. Author:  MDCCCLXXXV        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 14:43

sonofpetrie, Thu 8 Jun 22:08

"Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Thu 8 Jun 14:53

I was brought up as a blue nose. All my dads side were rangers fans. My cousin even bought himself a Rangers kit with the money he got from his first communion.
I was at Ibrox shortly after souness took over at Govan. All around the ground were 50,000 so called football fans singing about a battle that happened in a different country 300 years before. At that exact moment I decided I wouldn't set foot in that $h!t hole again.
Around the same time my youngest sister was dating a pars fan from lochgelly. After going to a couple of games at EEP I was hooked.
Been a pars fan ever since, season ticket holder for last 20 years. "

Is the wee sister in question a cheeky so and so called Evelyn by any chance? ;-)

Ooooooooh so close. Right family wrong sister. 👍👍👍

East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.

44. Author:  DAve..FC        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 16:26

Started going with my dad and grandad when I was about four or five in the mid nineties. Still remember how I used to get excited jitters coming up to the turnstiles in my purple Westie keeper top.

They stopped going through illness an family etc an I have carried on the tradition. Long may it continue!

Post Edited (Mon 12 Jun 10:56)

45. Author:  JTH123        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 16:41

Wasn't lucky enough to go to games with my dad because he was ill from when I was 7 until he died when I was 15 but I first went to EEP aged about 7 with an older pal. My earliest memory of a game was of the crowds walking up through the park to John Lunn's testimonial.
By about 10 I was going to every home game and even went up to watch training at nights when Harry Melrose was in charge. I can still remember playing snooker with Kenny Thomson and other players.
By secondary school age I was going to away games, firstly on the Kelty bus (don't know what my mum was thinking!).
These days I take my 3 kids aged 5,12 & 13 and thoroughly enjoy it still. Just renewed our season tickets last weekend.

46. Author:  sonofpetrie        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 20:45

"Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Fri 9 Jun 14:43


sonofpetrie, Thu 8 Jun 22:08

"Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Thu 8 Jun 14:53

I was brought up as a blue nose. All my dads side were rangers fans. My cousin even bought himself a Rangers kit with the money he got from his first communion.
I was at Ibrox shortly after souness took over at Govan. All around the ground were 50,000 so called football fans singing about a battle that happened in a different country 300 years before. At that exact moment I decided I wouldn't set foot in that $h!t hole again.
Around the same time my youngest sister was dating a pars fan from lochgelly. After going to a couple of games at EEP I was hooked.
Been a pars fan ever since, season ticket holder for last 20 years. "

Is the wee sister in question a cheeky so and so called Evelyn by any chance? ;-)

Ooooooooh so close. Right family wrong sister. 👍👍👍"

Dammit. I only know Evelyn. She's a wee diamond. :-)

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"

47. Author:  loPAR        
Date: Fri 9th Jun 2017. 21:40

My dad used to sell 50/50 tickets in the mid 90s and started bringing me along when I was 5. Was mascot for a game against Aberdeen (Think it was 96) that finished 0-0. Since then go to as many games as possible but work most Saturdays.

48. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 08:18

buffy, Fri 9 Jun 13:26
Born with B&W blood - West Fife Hospital November 9th 1968 - I was next in line for the mighty Paaaaars 🤗

Jesus. You're ancient Buff. Glad I'm no as auld as you 😉😗😗

49. Author:  Parsdaft        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 11:24

It was my destiny

50. Author:  Sliema Par        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 12:36

I am a Glory Hunter.

When I was a little boy,happy living in Malta,my Uncle contacted us to say Dunfermline had won the Cup in 1961.

When I eventually returned to Rosyth he took me to a game.

27th April 1968 was just about the happiest day of my life!!

I see PAR57 also has the Maltese background.

Post Edited (Sat 10 Jun 12:39)

51. Author:  MDCCCLXXXV        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 13:20

sonofpetrie, Fri 9 Jun 20:45

"Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Fri 9 Jun 14:43

Ooooooooh so close. Right family wrong sister. 👍👍👍"

Dammit. I only know Evelyn. She's a wee diamond. :-)

C'mon then. You beat me😣

Who are you ?

East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.

52. Author:  BlackLight        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 16:39

Sneaked into my first game in 1989 using a dummy page from my brother's season ticket. Never looked back.

Like OP my first taste hooked me.

The club must do everything it can to hook kids at a young age.

53. Author:  sonofpetrie        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 16:39

Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Sat 10 Jun 13:20


sonofpetrie, Fri 9 Jun 20:45

"Topic Originator: MDCCCLXXXV   |
Date:   Fri 9 Jun 14:43

Ooooooooh so close. Right family wrong sister. 👍👍👍"

Dammit. I only know Evelyn. She's a wee diamond. :-)

C'mon then. You beat me😣

Who are you ?

Haha. I work for the council, spent many an afternoon having a laugh with your sister at Torbain. Ask her about Paul from the Valley :-)

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"

54. Author:  shrek par        
Date: Sat 10th Jun 2017. 19:08

I blame widtink, used to be a season ticket toting hun , started going with him and other mates in 85 and gave up on the gers because the atmosphere in the corner thats now open was much better than the centenary stand at ibrox. I think it was the fact every victory was hard won rather than expected. For some bizarre reason used to love watching ivo , norrie and westy best. Later it was andy smith and then brewster. The Paton years were my favourite, never give up ,**** or bust attitude. Still hate airdrie and falkirk too.

55. Author:  MDCCCLXXXV        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 00:49

I will see her at my mums tomorrow Paul.
I can't believe cooncil workers have time to sit aboot.🤗

Shrek, 85 was just before I started going , as I said earlier, I too frequented Ibrox most weekends. Within a game or 2 at EEP I was hooked. I don't know what it was about DAFC, but still to this day I get a shiver walking up to the ground.

I agree that going to games HOPING to get a result was a lot better than going to watch Rangers and demanding a win.

Most pars fans could tell you thier favourite Dunfermline side, But I have yet to meet a Dunfermline fan that says they did not enjoy football under sir Bert.


East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.

Post Edited (Sun 11 Jun 00:50)

56. Author:  bobopar        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 07:41

My Grandad was a big Pars Fan and had a lot of memorabilia from the 61 cup final and mum and dad were at the replay, we lived in Perthshire but moved back down to Fife in 1973. John Lunn testimonial was my first game at East End although my dad took me to a few Cowden games before that as they were his team of choice. First game I went to with my good friend Graham Primrose was the Aberdeen cup game round about 1975, Joe Harper scored in a 1 nil win to them. Roddy Georgeson had a perfectly good goal chalked off for the Pars, think I got hooked on the injustice of it. Been going ever since although pick and choose games now. Had a 5 year spell between 1981 and 86 where I went to every game home and away on the fabled Pitbauchlie bus. Big Jock, wee Jim and the chairman were like brothers to me then. Happy days..

57. Author:  davidpars1885        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 15:17

local team and bert paton is my uncle.

We are the loyal, Dunfermline loyal

58. Author:  dave67        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 15:28

Would anyone have any objections to their posts being used in the Pars Programme ? It might mean giving your email for Alan to get in touch to confirm

59. Author:  mach1        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 15:33

No problem if wanted.

60. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 15:59


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