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Topic: Why did you become a Par?
61. Author:  Pars11        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 16:20

Okay with request, a good write up reflecting on the quotes may provide a better read.

Bluebell Polka

62. Author:  Rastapari        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 16:42

dave67, Sun 11 Jun 15:28

Would anyone have any objections to their posts being used in the Pars Programme ? It might mean giving your email for Alan to get in touch to confirm

Not at all....I have some good stories from my grandad Jackie and uncle Joe...

63. Author:  auldpar        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 16:45

Thanks so far guys. I've still to hear back from the editor and if he's OK with it there will be a few things to agree on e.g. do you want your real names used or your .net ID and of course I would be trying to ensure everyone is happy with whatever the final version will look like.

As soon as I have any more info I'll let you know.

64. Author:  maltapar        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 17:03

I blame Sliema par - stories of wonderful European nights and I did get to see us win the cup in 1968 and some of the later European matches with the great Pars side of that era.

However, I have then suffered with the decline of the Pars and even during the successful periods witnessed three cup final defeats to Celtic of which the 2005/06 hurt most with the penalty that was never awarded.

Maybe I should sue Sliema par for the psychological damage I have suffered from this addiction over the years?

65. Author:  GG Riva        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 17:43

maltapar, Sun 11 Jun 17:03

However, I have then suffered with the decline of the Pars and even during the successful periods witnessed three cup final defeats to Celtic of which the 2005/06 hurt most with the penalty that was never awarded.

Your memory's playing tricks on you, Malta - that's the 2004 final you're thinking about. Our next SC final appearance was in 2007.

Not your average Sunday League player.

66. Author:  GG Riva        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 17:45

dave67, Sun 11 Jun 15:28

Would anyone have any objections to their posts being used in the Pars Programme ? It might mean giving your email for Alan to get in touch to confirm

Might be easier to ask who doesn't want their contribution to be used.

Not your average Sunday League player.

67. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 18:30

I think my story is the most boring one on here but in the unlikely event anyone wanted to quote or use it I wouldn't mind either.

68. Author:  dave67        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 18:49

You could be right GG

69. Author:  AlfieAA        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 20:20

dave67, like everyone else I would have no problem with that.

Once played pool with Norrie McCathie in the players lounge.

70. Author:  ianbd6        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 20:57

I was born in dunfermline but raised in bradford we lived a couple of streets from valley parade and i used to go to the games there with my uncle and when we moved to south bradford he took me to bradford (park avenue )as well but it was listening to my father and uncle talk about the pars.i moved back to dunfermline in the summer of 1977. the first place i headed for was east end park the the big gates were open so i went in it was love at first sight i followed the team for about three seasons before moving back down to bradford i have watched football in about 250 grounds and eep is the one i feel most at home in its also the only ground me and my father ever watched a game together it was a fife cup final between the pars and east fife we won 2-0 iirc i very rarely get up but when i do i always head for eep even if there isnt a game on.i think i am a par because of destiny.

71. Author:  Sticky Par        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 21:28

Written in the stars!

Sticky Par

72. Author:  Angus_W        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 21:48

My childhood was good - No complaints - It's was late 60's early 70's - Hybrid family.

My Dad supported the Pars, so did my mum - They separated.

My stepdad supported the Pars but had a soft spot for the Rovers, my step brothers supported the Pars.

I'm older now but throughout the one constant in life has been the Pars.....

I still get a shiver up my spine when the team runs out.

They are my safety blanket in life.

“.........it ain’t over till the Pars score!”

73. Author:  onlytakes        
Date: Sun 11th Jun 2017. 21:53

My Dad supports the Pars (albeit with a soft spot for our lesser cousins in Cowdenbeath). My best pal when I was wee was a Par so I ended up being one too. Remember Norrie coming round the school in P6 and getting his autograph. Was a good time to be a Par as the following season (95/96) we went up after that nailbiting finale. Remember going to a summer-scheme at the Carnegie and there was this lad who was a Dundee Utd supporter. Even 21-22 years later I still consider him to be a word that cannot be said on this family forum. He was though and it made me have a strong dislike for Dundee Utd to this day (other things have since contributed to me disliking them).

74. Author:  donj        
Date: Mon 12th Jun 2017. 00:31

Moved to Dalgety Bay and switched from East Fife to Pars.Weird bit is my younger brother who still stays in Methil actually switched other way.And to compound it my son is a Rovers fan.

Ok we are a strange family I suppose.:)

75. Author:  rossmcno1        
Date: Mon 12th Jun 2017. 00:51

My dad (former StMirren/Renfrew juniors fan) moved to Rosyth with dockyard and when I was 7 was dragged along to East End. QOS at home, 1-0 to go into the premier league. I was hooked.

In a similar vein I took my nephew to his first game last season when we won the league against Brechin, but it's not quite been in his blood yet. Hoping this season will be the one where it really takes off as he enjoyed the last couple of games.

76. Author:  calpar        
Date: Mon 12th Jun 2017. 01:28

My family is originally from Dundee.
Until the age of approx 14, i was variably forced/coerced to go watch Dundee FC home AND AWAY
I found my own voice, and EEP was fairly easier accessible, especially around 1982, good times, the rest is extremely enjoyable, Threave being 1 particular highlight 👍

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