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Topic: MCcann and Hamilton
101. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Tue 11th Feb 2025. 22:09

TommyR, Tue 11 Feb 20:45

The Chalmers appreciation society is alive and well here.

Nobody is condoning calling him rude obscene gestures but he`s far and away our worst player and has been for some time. The 3 year contract given was a very poor decision from McPake off the back of the seaside league.

I`m disappointed Tidser has decided against previous sentient and decisions and to give him a fresh start.

He gives away passes left right and centre. Can only pass sideways or backwards. Has absolutely no tackling ability. Frequently misjudges free balls, hesitates and allows our opposition to take it. The only plus I can give him is he sometimes provided a decent long ball or precision corner.

I wish the man no harm or abuse but the general feeling outside this forum is that he`s done here. Nobody wants to see players who clearly can`t cut it at this level keep being risen from the dead.

I`ll stand by any criticism of his play outside of slurs with the exception of wage thief. He`s being paid well and offers nothing whether hes trying or not.

No. That is just your opinion, and the opinion of a few on here who, like you, are entitled to give their opinion on an open forum.
Entitled, but seriously under qualified.

102. Author:  87Par        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 01:15

I generally refrain from guffy comments of our players. But.. McCann has got Dom Thomas Vibes all over him. I`d rather have him in my team than against.

Otoo isn`t our best player.

This theory that he is rips ma knitting.

103. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 07:45

My only concern is general in that we`re largely trying to do the same thing with most of the players thar haven`t been able to do it, I thought a new manager would mix it up a bit, I don`t see any need fo single out individual players.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

104. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 08:10

"I`ll stand by any criticism of his play outside of slurs with the exception of wage thief. He`s being paid well and offers nothing whether hes trying or not."

Doubling down on it is just stupid.

Equal rights and justice in this time

105. Author:  Berkey        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 08:44

87 par Dom Thomas has the ability to win you games and did so quite frequently in his spell with us. Not just scoring and assisting but generally he was good by carrying the ball forward and seeing a pass to create space for others. An excellent proven championship player.

It’s laughable to compare McCann to him, McCann gets the ball and it’s head down amatuer stuff with no end product, he’s chucking balls towards the box without even looking up.

Chalmers is murder, alarm bells ringing when the ayr fans were delighted they offloaded him. He’s been dropped mostly this season so not so much of an issue. Playing him at left back is hanging him out to dry a bit so won’t have a go for being crap at left back.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!

106. Author:  da_no_1        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 09:06

This is painful.

Basing your opinions on what you read on fitba forums.

Chalmers is not "murder". If we want to challenge we need to improve our squad with better players, that`s obvious. But to label a player with over 200 appearances as "murder" is absolutely laughable.

Your starting to look like a caricature of yourself.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

107. Author:  Kdy Par        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 11:21

87Par, Wed 12 Feb 01:15

I generally refrain from guffy comments of our players. But.. McCann has got Dom Thomas Vibes all over him. I`d rather have him in my team than against.

Otoo isn`t our best player.

This theory that he is rips ma knitting.

For me Otoo is our best player by a considerable distance. Probably the only player in the squad that will go on and play at a higher level.

108. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:11

da_no_1, Tue 11 Feb 18:56

I would absolutely love it if McCann got himself a move and tore it up. Just to see you squirm Berkey boy

Berkey could state the sun is hot and you`d furiously disagree... 🙄🙄

109. Author:  Berry        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:14

Agree with Berkey on the McCann / Thomas comparison, the latter was much more effective.

110. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:14

87Par, Wed 12 Feb 01:15

I generally refrain from guffy comments of our players. But.. McCann has got Dom Thomas Vibes all over him. I`d rather have him in my team than against.

Otoo isn`t our best player.

This theory that he is rips ma knitting.


111. Author:  king lad        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:39

Otoo will be off to bigger and better things in the summer for a six figure fee. Him and Kane are the best players in the team by some distance.

112. Author:  da_no_1        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:42

Andrew283, Wed 12 Feb 12:11

da_no_1, Tue 11 Feb 18:56

I would absolutely love it if McCann got himself a move and tore it up. Just to see you squirm Berkey boy

Berkey could state the sun is hot and you`d furiously disagree... 🙄🙄

Berkey fan club convenor located

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

113. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:43

da_no_1, Wed 12 Feb 12:42

Andrew283, Wed 12 Feb 12:11

da_no_1, Tue 11 Feb 18:56

I would absolutely love it if McCann got himself a move and tore it up. Just to see you squirm Berkey boy

Berkey could state the sun is hot and you`d furiously disagree... 🙄🙄

Berkey fan club convenor located

No, you`re just a bit of an er5e honestly.

Post Edited (Wed 12 Feb 12:45)

114. Author:  da_no_1        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 12:53

Andrew283, Wed 12 Feb 12:43

da_no_1, Wed 12 Feb 12:42

Andrew283, Wed 12 Feb 12:11

da_no_1, Tue 11 Feb 18:56

I would absolutely love it if McCann got himself a move and tore it up. Just to see you squirm Berkey boy

Berkey could state the sun is hot and you`d furiously disagree... 🙄🙄

Berkey fan club convenor located

No, you`re just a bit of an er5e honestly.

Disagreeing with someone doesn`t make them an erse. He can make some valid points but no-one is right all the time. Am i not allowed to offer an alternative to his constant negativity and relentless slaughtering of the same 2 players?

Let me know what I AM allowed to say when you get a minute.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

Post Edited (Wed 12 Feb 12:53)

115. Author:  Aaron Labonte        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 13:03

Andrew283, Wed 12 Feb 12:11

da_no_1, Tue 11 Feb 18:56

I would absolutely love it if McCann got himself a move and tore it up. Just to see you squirm Berkey boy

Berkey could state the sun is hot and you`d furiously disagree... 🙄🙄

Bit rich coming from someone who only posts to disagree with someone or something whilst doing so in a raging manner.

116. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 13:09

Some folk seem to think Berkey is the second Messiah just for stating the bleeding obvious - we need better players. It`s hardly a startling revelation for a team in the lower half of the second tier of Scottish football. What some of us find distasteful is the constant singling out of certain players to illustrate the point.

117. Author:  Back_oh_the_net        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 13:19

fergie, Tue 11 Feb 11:30[/]
I have every expectation that McCann will end up in the premiership[\quote]

I stopped reading at this part mate you are either smacked out your t!ts on drugs or your related to him either way there’s not a hope in hells chance he will play in the premiership he’s simply not good enough

118. Author:  da_no_1        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 13:34

Yet again, someone gives their opinion and is now a drug user.

"Some days will stay a 1000 years, some pass like the flash of a spark"

119. Author:  thebear        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 15:38

I have always struggled with mcann and chalmers, I am sure they are nice guys, but I don`t want that, I want effective players. Mcann generally has poor games and poor awareness of what the optiobs are around him, but then he has a good game and scores, but need to be far more effective say 3 out of 4 matches, not one in 6. Chalmers is a nice pretty player, who may do well in a team that is successful with lots of good players around him. But we are not and have not been for years, therfore he comes over as not effective.

120. Author:  bannerpar        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 15:39

If MI5 are looking to hire a new assassin they need look no further than TommyR. That was some hatchet job he did on Joe Chalmers. Just for the record some of us
(must be the Chalmers appreciation society) take a more balanced view of his time at the club. He wouldn`t usually get in my first eleven but he is a decent squad man and helps out with the younger players. Anyone calling him a wage thief doesn`t know too much about what goes on behind the scenes at the club.
I wish that some of the folk on here would pay a bit more attention at matches rather than just waiting on bits of play that reinforce the poor opinion they have of some players, it`s nearly always the same ones who get all the stick.

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