Topic: Updates |
281. Author: R8V10 Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 17:24 Get it right fucking roond ye Masterton. We came literally a bawhair away from liquidation never, ever, have i felt a sense of relief after this! **** you for putting all us Pars fans through the mill ONCE more. I hope your next ***** is the spikiest hedgehog ever. C'mon PU get this deal done & dusted and lets move on. Gonna be hangover city the mora! Reply |
282. Author: sonofpetrie Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 17:25 floods of happy tears though sonofpetrie :-) The happiest. He was singing Pars songs yesterday and when he saw the DAFC badge on the TV he was all exited. It broke my heart to think he might not get to go to the next 30 years worth of games like I just did with my Dad. I will tell him all about this day when he's older. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary" Reply |
283. Author: Orangeryhoor Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 17:40 sonofpetrie...I welled up big time there....Nice one... Reply |
284. Author: SusieQ Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 17:41 Brilliant news and what brilliant posts from sonofpetrie - EXACTLY why we have all been fighting to save our club - for the future generations of Pars fans. Nice one Lord Woolman - thank you. COME ON YE PARS! Reply |
285. Author: MagicParMan Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 17:50 message to Masterton... as simply as i could put it... ![]() Reply |
286. Author: Dalgety_Par Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 18:28 Cannae believe nobody has been quoting my tweets on this thread! My updates live from court were definitely the highlight! It's common knowledge that Lionel Messi kept a photo of Hamish French by his bedside as inspiration every morning! Reply |
287. Author: Larbert_Par Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 20:12 "My 4 year old came running through when I cheered (he's used to this from a Saturday) and said "did the Pars win?" (thinking there must be a game on today). To which I replied "yes son, they just won the biggest match they've ever played". "Cool" he said. My sentiments exactly." It's posts like this that sum why we're all sharing immense joy and relief, and why everyone in Pars United, and every supporter, has fought so hard for our club over the last year or so. I'd have been heartbroken if things hadn't gone our way, especially as the Pars is the biggest single thing that bonds my dad and I - it was unthinkable to me that if in the future I have a family I couldn't share that with them either. Thank you from the bottom of this Par's heart to Pars United and every single fan of Dunfermline Athletic. I've been to watch the team home and away with my old man for over 20 years - here's to the next 20 and beyond! [b]Kincardine DASC[/b] Reply |
288. Author: Hummingbird Harry Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 20:45 Sticky forum for this? Reply |
289. Author: Milos Drizzle Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 20:45 ![]() Brilliant! Thank you, MagicParsMan :) Reply |
290. Author: R8V10 Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 21:48 HH i concur dont think this thread should be lost. Reply |
291. Author: Hummingbird Harry Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 21:51 the biggest ups and down you'll ever see as a football fan, in such a short period of time as well. Reply |
292. Author: R8V10 Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 21:55 Agreed. I've moved it to the 'Sticky' forum. Reply |