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Topic: Updates
81. Author:  Frank Grimes        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:42

Buffy, the background check on Masterton would no doubt uncover a lot of dirt on many high profile people in this country.

82. Author:  P        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:44

Cara S "Petitioner also said Fife Council hadn't been asked if the lease could be renounced until Weds and it would take 7 days to decide"

Is that right? Take it that means BDO have sat on it as I thought it was always a condition that the lease was renounced?

83. Author:  Fifes Elite        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:44

like I say Lorna I doubt its his money, his motive in this is to stop his pension fundbeing called in if this lease is ripped up.And he has obviously made promises to an investor friend to buy the license/lease to stop this happening and they can make money off it. Porobably through houses is the plan.

Thats the way I have picked it up from a few folk that have been pretty clued up thus far and from the other reports.

84. Author:  buffy        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:44

I'm keeping tabs on yer posts Allforone even if naebuddy else is :-)

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

85. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:46

From what I've read I'm pretty confused.

Why is GM so keen to get the leasehold? From what I've read in the twitter feeds there is a loan of £2m to clear £1.5m of arrears on the lease.

The lease has a CVA estimated value of £143,226 or a GM value of £600k. Either way you are talking of forking out more to clear the arrears than the lease is worth?

Is GM worried that by making the request to release the leasehold that the council may call in the security on the lease against the pension fund? Has the council indicated they would do that?

Even if they did was the security not capped at £500k and it would be better to potentially loose that in a onner than fork out £1.5 to clear arrears and whatever else it costs for the remainder of the lease when the expected return by your own best figure is 600k (significantly more than anyone else thinks its worth!).

86. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:48

Started typing my post before I read:

"The daft auld bat thinks he can build houses on Pitreavie. That is his only interest as far as I'm concerned. I absolutely loathe him."

Which would be an explanation..

87. Author:  Scotty Par        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:49

Surely after coming out of admin we are under no obligation to train at pitreavie?

88. Author:  DrumRoad        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:50

< They (Masterton) want the lease to transfer to them, leaving BDO to proceed with Pars Utd. And say they can pay rent arrears immediately>>


Seems so straight forward but is apparently very complex !!!!!! Help me oot here somebody...... Anybody ??!!

2022/23 League one Winners

89. Author:  turpintine        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:50

We'll train where we want.... We'll train where we waaaant...

90. Author:  cammypar 1995        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:52

so who owns petreive aa the moment

c'mon the pars

91. Author:  pars_andy        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:53

Hang on a second....having to break my dot net sabbatical to raise this but since when did holding a lease on something mean that you can do what you want with it? If Masterton manages to clear the debts and keep the lease with fife council then fife council are still the owners. Surely the conditions of the lease would not extend to Masterton selling it for the purpose of building houses. It wouldn't be his to sell!!

Sorry guys....but you're on the wrong track here.

92. Author:  Playup_Pompey        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:54

could always train at steelend now.

93. Author:  pars_andy        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:54

Topic Originator: cammypar 1995
Date: Fri 11 Oct 13:52

so who owns petreive aa the moment

c'mon the pars

Fife council. This court case has nothing to do with transferring ownership.

94. Author:  P        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:55

DrumRoad - I think the problem is that if the lease exists we as a tenant are committed to fulfil the terms of that lease which will cost money we do not have so doesn't matter where we train. Suspect those terms will relate to the condition it is maintained and ongoing rental.

Just my interpretation

95. Author:  Fifes Elite        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:55

Andy, I realise this, you realise this, Honk realises this

Does Gavin realise this?

96. Author:  Crabbit        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:55

If Masterton manages to clear the debts and keep the lease with fife council then fife council are still the owners. Surely the conditions of the lease would not extend to Masterton selling it for the purpose of building houses. It wouldn't be his to sell!!

Sorry guys....but you're on the wrong track here.

I was thinking this too... didnt want to appear stupid by asking the question!

97. Author:  parskimbo        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 13:57

They can't build houses... it floods.

98. Author:  Bath Par        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 14:00

"Surely the conditions of the lease would not extend to Masterton selling it for the purpose of building houses. It wouldn't be his to sell!"


I am not following what the problem is here at all, PU don't want Pitreavie, GM apparently does, don't see an issue.

UNLESS, he is claiming that he will lose his pension fund when Pitreavie is handed back to FC because the terms of the lease have not been met, regarding the maintenance and upkeep?

Simply a guess, not based on any facts.

99. Author:  Gus        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 14:00

Topic Originator: Fifes Elite
Date: Fri 11 Oct 13:55

Andy, I realise this, you realise this, Honk realises this

Does Gavin realise this?

Check Honk's "Tom Minogues' Blog" thread for more on this. Makes GM's actions seem pretty desperate and way, way out order under the terms and general spirit of the head lease.

100. Author:  GaryMull86        
Date: Fri 11th Oct 2013. 14:00

sure there been mentioned there is a purchase option on the lease or something?

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