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Topic: Southport Incident
61. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 10:59

Don`t lash out at Andrew Parboiled, your noggin and nuts will stop hurting in a few days.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

62. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 12:54

Wotsit, Sat 3 Aug 10:59

Don`t lash out at Andrew Parboiled, your noggin and nuts will stop hurting in a few days.


63. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 13:11

"Surely it depends on circumstances? In this case he has been named presumably because he is undoubtedly guilty, but also because not naming him is causing civil unrest?

Naming generally is a constant issue as it`s guilty even after proven innocent in many cases."

Classic "damned if you do and damned if you don`t" scenario.

Not identifying the alleged perpetrator will incite the KKK rabble - conversely naming him (unless he`s a white indigenous native) will have the same result.

64. Author:  JTH123        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 13:31

Not naming an accused is far from any sort of reasonable excuse for civil unrest.

65. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 13:39

Wotsit, Sat 3 Aug 10:59

Don`t lash out at Andrew Parboiled, your noggin and nuts will stop hurting in a few days.

Genuine LOL.

I made the mistake of listening to a caller on Talk radio earlier. Apparently it`s the government for these riots because "we told `em we don`t want no more immigration wen we voted for Brexit and they didn`t listen!"

66. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 14:03

jake89, Sat 3 Aug 13:39

Wotsit, Sat 3 Aug 10:59

Don`t lash out at Andrew Parboiled, your noggin and nuts will stop hurting in a few days.

Genuine LOL.

I made the mistake of listening to a caller on Talk radio earlier. Apparently it`s the government for these riots because "we told `em we don`t want no more immigration wen we voted for Brexit and they didn`t listen!"

The tiny brained EDL babies will use any justification to start causing unrest. If Just Stop Oil get longer jail sentences than convicted rapists, some of these gremlins need put away for a while.

67. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 15:21

Hoi Cheese Puff, take yer nuts and noggins and bake them in a pie.

Make it shortcrust yer flakey enough already…

68. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 17:12

They literally believe that this is all Labours fault, who have been in power for 4 weeks. They still believe the attacker is an immigrant.

Tommy Robinson has been caught out for inciting hate and riots on Tuesday (all the way from sunny Spain) then stating setting police stations on fire is ridiculous and too far…..he f*cking caused it! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

69. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 17:52

They always light the fire and when the moths rush to it, they feign innocence.

Edited to add, rumours that a Bengali girl has been attacked by 3 men in Sunderland. This is getting completely out of control

Post Edited (Sat 03 Aug 17:58)

70. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 3rd Aug 2024. 18:15

Andrew283, Sat 3 Aug 17:52

They always light the fire and when the moths rush to it, they feign innocence.

Edited to add, rumours that a Bengali girl has been attacked by 3 men in Sunderland. This is getting completely out of control

Its happening on both sides - 2 males attacked with hammers in Stoke reportedly by Asians, whilst a solo black man was set about by a group of 50 off in a Manchester park - held his own till the police arrived!

71. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 00:40

Dave_1885, Sat 3 Aug 18:15

Andrew283, Sat 3 Aug 17:52

They always light the fire and when the moths rush to it, they feign innocence.

Edited to add, rumours that a Bengali girl has been attacked by 3 men in Sunderland. This is getting completely out of control

Its happening on both sides - 2 males attacked with hammers in Stoke reportedly by Asians, whilst a solo black man was set about by a group of 50 off in a Manchester park - held his own till the police arrived!

The police were literally in camera shot the whole time. They let 1 man fight a mob whilst they waited for backup. The right are absolutely out of control and using this whole thing to their advantage. Burning police stations, cars, mosques. Absolute vermin

72. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 03:26

HF is gets worse, after seeing the footage, the pathetic cops move in and take down the single guy getting attacked. Wtf

73. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 08:15

The voice of the silent majority.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

74. Author:  Alter Ego        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 08:48

It’s carnage down south and I can’t see it getting any better. What a sad country we live in.

Mon the Pars!

75. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 09:11

It`s easy to call these people thick, but it`s what they are. Unfortunately, they don`t question what they`re told and even when corrected they STILL don`t believe it. Whilst grifters like Farage and Yaxley-Lennon are sat in their big houses with fancy cars, they`re sat in poverty. They`re lapping up that it`s Abdhul in the corner shops fault.

76. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 10:10

I thought this would maybe die down as quickly as it begun but with the footage of the Muslim counter protests/demonstrations doing the rounds I could see the edl and similar disgusting factions using that to stir up more fear.
Having said that I suspect in the next day or two the police will start arresting many of those who have been captured on video conmiting crimes and that will undoubtedly scare other into staying off the streets.
All fun and games until you`re sitting in the dock.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

77. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 10:25

The One Who Knocks, Sun 4 Aug 10:10

I thought this would maybe die down as quickly as it begun but with the footage of the Muslim counter protests/demonstrations doing the rounds I could see the edl and similar disgusting factions using that to stir up more fear.
Having said that I suspect in the next day or two the police will start arresting many of those who have been captured on video conmiting crimes and that will undoubtedly scare other into staying off the streets.
All fun and games until you`re sitting in the dock.

Issue is, it`s rapidly escalating. Balaclavas (need to be made illegal) everywhere with these c****.

Labour now debating introducing Facial Recognition to counter this, something the EU is hugely against. Fascist little twats letting a right wing government further infringe out liberty. I hate Britain

78. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 10:32

The likes of Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson have encouraged this sort of thing, they are well paid for being the Establishments mouthpieces. The thickos who follow them don`t have a clue how they are being exploited.

I get that some of them are disaffected, probably feel like every other section of society except white, poor or working class English people are getting everything handed to them on a plate. This isn`t the case though. Really they should be directing their anger at the rich. Everything that is wrong in this country is caused by them, and this division suits the ruling classes very well.

Sadly, I can only see this getting worse, the Muslim Defence League will feel they have to protect their own areas, since the Police have lost control down there, and we will have tit for tat attacks. The scenes in Stoke last night of huge crowds of young Muslim men carrying knives unhindered by the Police certainly looked ominous. It`s going to take a lot of work by community leaders to calm the situation, but it`ll be a case of waiting till the next time for this to explode again.

We haven`t really seen the full effects of immigration in Scotland, we are a fairly welcoming country, numbers have been low and people have assimilated well here. From what I have seen in England it`s a bit different there, this sort of thing has been simmering under the surface for a while. It`s not going to end well, a rivers of blood situation is brewing

79. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 10:56

What`s stopping you move somewhere else Andrew?

Where would you prefer to live?

80. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Sun 4th Aug 2024. 11:39

ipswichpar, Sun 4 Aug 10:56

What`s stopping you move somewhere else Andrew?

Where would you prefer to live?

I remember when this country did truly great things by actively encouraging its people to kill fascist scum on sight. I long for those days .

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

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