Topic: Southport Incident |
101. Author: ipswichpar Date: Mon 5th Aug 2024. 11:48 The content checking has never felt great on that platform but Musk`s decision to get rid of most/all of it has laid bare how folk will fill a gap and abuse lack of moderation. However it has moved from an interesting a/b test to starting to cause some societal breakdown, which isn`t great. Reply |
102. Author: wee eck Date: Mon 5th Aug 2024. 13:48 From the Guardian - `Countries around the world have begun to issue travel alerts to warn their citizens about the dangers of riots in the UK. On Monday, Nigeria and Australia joined Malaysia in publishing travel advisories about the widespread violent disorder in many towns and cities in England.` How long before Rwanda issues a similar warning to it citizens?!!! Reply |
103. Author: Parboiled Date: Mon 5th Aug 2024. 14:35 Get the SAS involved. They managed to sort out a riot by the hard men in Peterhead prison so these fat belly tattooed neds would be nae bother! Reply |
104. Author: Parboiled Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 16:16 I see oor Humza ex FM is worried that the future of him and his family may not be in Scotland, or the UK, or Europe or even the west, and he goes on to say that when he was a boy his dad “created” ID cards and passports in case they needed a quick getaway… He’s been moaning about racism ever since he was in nappies, what’s new? Reply |
105. Author: red-star-par Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 16:55 Parboiled, Wed 7 Aug 16:16 Probably been moaning about racism since he`s been in nappies because he`s had to put up with racists like you since he was a child Reply |
106. Author: Wotsit Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 17:46 I remember when I was working at the Big Issue just under ten years ago and a fresh faced Humza came along to experience life as a Big Issue vendor for an hour or so. The racist abuse he took when folk thought he was a vulnerable homeless dude was absolutely shocking. It seemed to even shock him at the time. One guy was charged and sentenced for it I believe. Open racism in society has not improved since then. The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy. Post Edited (Wed 07 Aug 17:49) Reply |
107. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 18:30 I see some of these knuckle draggers have already been tried and sentenced. Slightly off topic with this but that seems very speedy. I`ve never had any dealings with the justice system but I always thought these things took weeks if not months. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
108. Author: KirklistonPar Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 18:37 It’s a sad day when you can’t walk the streets fearing you may be attacked by somebody just because of your looks. Thankfully these ignorant idiots are not the majority and hopefully all the rioters get some nice jail time. Post Edited (Wed 07 Aug 18:43) Reply |
109. Author: ipswichpar Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 18:56 The One Who Knocks, Wed 7 Aug 18:30 They are managing these different with, I believe, that it`s a matter of public safety to get them processed quickly to suggest to others that it`s a stupid act.....if any further evidence was needed. Reply |
110. Author: ipswichpar Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 18:59 KirklistonPar, Wed 7 Aug 18:37 I walked through the Aldgate this afternoon. Was nice to see people of all races walking around on their own. A positive sign that those people aren`t too impacted. I think the media has something to answer for with it`s non stop coverage. Reply |
111. Author: GG Riva Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 20:04 I heard that a library was torched because someone on SM claimed that its books were going to be replaced by a selection of Muslim ones.... On top of everything else, it`s difficult to escape the feeling that some parts of England`s green and pleasant land are descending into something approaching anarchy. ![]() Not your average Sunday League player. Reply |
112. Author: Andrew283 Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 20:33 Parboiled, Wed 7 Aug 16:16 You are a vile, gross little scrote of a person. Shouldn`t you be out with your ilk setting fires to libraries and trying to murder people. Reply |
113. Author: Wotsit Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 20:33 something approaching anarchy I wish. The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy. Reply |
114. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 22:04 The One Who Knocks, Wed 7 Aug 18:30 Think theres 2 reasons for this: 1. Quick sentencing will deter others from actions like these before 2. The ones that have been sentenced were dead to rights due to video footage of them caught red handed. Good to see that there has been a calmer couple of days down south. Still to hear of anything of note north of the border…….wee Stephen will still not try set foot up here on Sept 7th and I reckon if he does Glasgow will show him the door (except from a small element of OO mind you 🙄) Reply |
115. Author: Luxembourg Par Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 23:47 I see that one of the rioting numpties has been jailed for 3 years for punching a police officer in the face (once, apparently). It’s about time the courts were giving serious penalties for such actions. Can we assume that the same level of penalty will be given to the two brothers at Manchester who punched two female officers multiple times in the face? I’m not holding my breath. ![]() Reply |
116. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 00:13 Yes I think if those two brothers have fourteen previous convictions, many involving violence, like this chap who has been sentenced to three years then they too will also receive a similar sentence. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
117. Author: Parboiled Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 09:07 Locals turning out in their hundreds to tell the vastly outnumbered mobsters to piss off. Reminiscent of the battle to defend Jewish community against Mosley’s thugs in 1936. A no bail straight to jail rapid justice regime now cracking down on the ringleaders and most violent. Reply |
118. Author: GG Riva Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 10:37 The speed with which so many rabid racists reacted to false information on social media is alarming. Taking the law into their own hands with a lynch mob mentality is scarily reminiscent of the Wild West. We`re not short of British rednecks here; What do people like the guy in this clip have in common? They`re thicker than the proverbial two short planks. 🙄 ![]() Not your average Sunday League player. Post Edited (Thu 08 Aug 10:37) Reply |
119. Author: wee eck Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 11:26 I`d be interested to hear that guy`s definition of `racist`? Reply |
120. Author: DBP Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 12:15 Not condoning their behaviour in any way but it always amazes me how the state can fast track incidents like these and hand out meaty sentences when it suits them 3 years for causing a disturbance and presumably damaging property Can someone remind me what the peado got on another recent thread for ruining children lives? Reply |