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Topic: Israel must stop
1. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 02:21

This obscenity has to end! We cannot let our political leaders sanction mass murder in our names. Israel must pay for this thoroughly evil behaviour, for this is blood-lust now, nothing less. The fact that something like 96% of Israelis support what is being done to the Palestinians should tell you this is a nation that is sick to its core.


They probably don`t realise it yet, but through these actions, the end of the Jewish State is inevitable. Hopefully, a new state that offers equal rights for everyone can emerge. And if the settlers don`t like that, send them back to Brooklyn, Moscow, or wherever else they come from. They shouldn`t be there in the first place.

2. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 03:34

Their grandparents would be disgusted with what Israel is doing. Genocidal murderers

3. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 08:36

USA Planning to give Israel $14 billion to help them in the war against Hamas

How can this be a war .. Its murder/genocide and we are all standing by watching
Israel achieve their ultimate goal

Post Edited (Fri 16 Feb 09:32)

4. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 13:16

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing"

Sometimes this is a criticism that is levelled at those people who kept quiet as the Nazi`s took Jews away on their trains, but it could now be levelled at all of us watching the Israeli state murdering those in Gaza.

I notice the MP Tobias Ellwood was moaning about democracy being at risk after protesters appeared on his doorstep.

It may be the case that MPs need to think about how they reflect the will of the people more closely, or they may find that the people will need to come for them

5. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 13:37

Come for them how? Like how some pro Brexit English nationalist scumbag came for Jo Cox? If the people that you think Tobias Ellwood isn`t representing properly feel they want their views more correctly reflected then they`ll have a chance in eight months or so to replace him by simply turning up at a temporary closed primary school or community centre and putting a cross in a little box.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

6. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 15:40

Aye but you cant talk down Israels actions or you are classed as anti Semitic……

What they are getting away with is disgraceful, but it wont stop.

7. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 15:44

I doubt if Red Star Par has managed to come for himself yet

8. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 18:06

Parboiled, Fri 16 Feb 15:44

I doubt if Red Star Par has managed to come for himself yet

I have people that do that for me

9. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 16th Feb 2024. 19:11

The One Who Knocks, Fri 16 Feb 13:37

Come for them how? Like how some pro Brexit English nationalist scumbag came for Jo Cox? If the people that you think Tobias Ellwood isn`t representing properly feel they want their views more correctly reflected then they`ll have a chance in eight months or so to replace him by simply turning up at a temporary closed primary school or community centre and putting a cross in a little box.

There lies the problem, in-between the GAs the politicians can do as they please.

10. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 28th Feb 2024. 06:56


11. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 28th Feb 2024. 10:05

Thank you for posting this, Tenruh. It is a stunningly honest, truthful, and very welcome speech. It should be broadcast far and wide.

12. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 09:07

Israel must stop or be stopped. We are way beyond the point where an international intervention is necessary. These people blockading the aid trucks are certifiably insane. If I were a Jew, I would be mortified that this was happening in my name.


13. Author:  Back_oh_the_net        
Date: Wed 27th Mar 2024. 04:20

OzPar, Fri 22 Mar 09:07

Israel must stop or be stopped. We are way beyond the point where an international intervention is necessary. These people blockading the aid trucks are certifiably insane. If I were a Jew, I would be mortified that this was happening in my name.


I get what you are saying Oz this is a country that is clearly ashamed of nothing and offended by everything it’s been said time and time again but these cretins are no different to the nazi’s Netanyahu is a war criminal plain and simple if it were carefully targeted strikes they were conducting I’d say good on you for fighting terrorism but it’s not it’s indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians the vast majority of whom want nothing nothing to do with hammas but the western world are too $hit scared to say enough is enough because they helped create this problem

14. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Thu 28th Mar 2024. 21:16

!00% agree, Back oh the net.

The time for pussy-footing is well past. The United Nations can - and should - apply the screw on Israel directly under what is known as a Chapter 7 resolution, which mandates sanctions and the use of military force on Israel.

If the USA were to apply its veto in the Security Council to counter this, it would leave itself open to international condemnation for supporting genocide. The fact that the USA abstained on the last UN resolution suggests that Biden, at last, realises how considerable the opposition within and without his country is to America`s support of Israel.

If a UN peacekeeping force were installed in Gaza to ensure the supply of aid and the protection of the Gazans, undoubtedly, the situation would be massively improved.

These demonic settlers and the passive IDF soldiers who are disrupting the aid convoy would be well-advised to abandon that tactic if they came up against platoons of, say, Chinese, Russians, or Gurkhas wearing blue helmets. It would not end well for them if they opted to persist.

15. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 29th Mar 2024. 20:16


16. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Mon 1st Apr 2024. 09:55

Agree with you here OzPar. I do actually wonder what the possibility of Irish peacekeepers in Gaza and the West Bank would be considering their stance on the South Africa genocide case. As for Russian and Chinese troops, Russia probably can`t spare them and both them and China have rather incompetent militaries. A Japanese/Korean UN peacekeeping taskforce would be effective as both are very well-trained and have no real manifested interest in the situation there.

17. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 8th May 2024. 18:06


18. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Wed 8th May 2024. 20:24

LochgellyAlbert, Wed 8 May 18:06


People can`t feed their children in the UK, it`s disgusting that billions from our taxes is being spent by the UK Government to help Israel conduct genocide in Gaza

19. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Thu 9th May 2024. 06:16

red-star-par, Wed 8 May 20:24

LochgellyAlbert, Wed 8 May 18:06


People can`t feed their children in the UK, it`s disgusting that billions from our taxes is being spent by the UK Government to help Israel conduct genocide in Gaza

If this and the other war`s continue it`s not just taxes they`ll be taking.

20. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 11th May 2024. 09:09

America admitting that Israel have used their weapons in a way that may have broken international law and then Israel today tell more people in Raffah to move before another offensive…….

Seriously, when will the West act to stop this?

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