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Topic: Israel must stop
121. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 06:38

Iran has destroyed Israel`s Nevatim Air Base in the Negev Desert. Up to 20 F35s have been knocked out. A catastrophic blow. It is also reported that Mossad`s HQ in Tel Aviv has been destroyed, but this is unconfirmed.


Let`s hope that now there has been a levelling of the ledger on Iran`s part, the Israelis, the Americans and the Brits see sense and realise the danger of escalating things further.

There are also reports that Ukraine is ready to accept the possibility of territorial concessions for peace. Perhaps the world can pull back from the brink; we have to hope so.

Here is a statement from the Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi. Says it all, really:

"Earlier this evening, we exercised self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter, targeting solely military & security sites in charge of genocide in Gaza and Lebanon.

We did so after exercising tremendous restraint for almost two months to give room for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Our action is concluded unless the Israeli regime decides to invite further retaliation. In that scenario, our response will be stronger and more powerful.

Israel`s enablers now have a heightened responsibility to rein in the warmongers in Tel Aviv instead of partaking in their folly."

122. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 09:47

Oz that article is quoting Iranian sources. No airbase has been destroyed and I doubt these missiles even took out a single bi plane never mind the most sophisticated warplane ever built. Still if Iran wants to proclaim that it did all that to help it keep up appearances at home and allow them an off ramp from escalation then I say let them. Of course Israel might not follow them off that ramp and might decide to settle the Iranian nuclear question once and for all.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

123. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 10:29

Your media and government are lying to you. I just looked at the BBC and a couple of your papers and watched Starmer`s press conference, and it is embarrassingly evident that you are being led down the garden path.

You are being told that most of the Iranian missiles were intercepted, and very few got through, the damage was minimal, and only one death was recorded... in the West Bank, of course!

Here`s a clip of one Iranian attack. Please judge for yourself if that matches the narrative you are being told today...


124. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 10:44

That clip doesn`t show anything! Certainly doesn`t show an airbase and a squadron of F-35s being destroyed and the evidence for that must surely be overwhelming if it is being reported by one your alternative news sources right?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

125. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 11:02

You can defend your murderous zionist entity as much as you like, TOWK. Ultimately, the truth will come out. Israel has put a news blackout on all reporting of damage in Tel Aviv and beyond. But they have a very bloody nose today.

The world is at a tipping point right now. If Israel goes ahead and once again attacks Iran, the Strait of Hormuz will immediately be closed. The flow of oil and gas out of the Gulf will cease. Netanyahu must be stopped before we are plunged into a global war.

126. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 11:03

Surely nobody in here still supports the Israeli cause? 🤔

127. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 11:12

Are you defending the murderous terrorist supporting Iran then Oz? Just because I don`t fall for the same bullshit you do doesn`t mean I`m supporting Israel.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

128. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 11:33

Jings, I had no idea you could opt out of the Official Secrets Act!

129. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 11:43

Yes, I strongly support the Iranians. They are a cultured, intelligent people. Their country is beautiful, and they are nothing like the despots the West paints them to be. They deserve to live in peace, unhindered by American and British sanctions. This is not about Islamic fundamentalism. Their primary sin was that they nationalised their oil and gas industries and got rid of the puppet leaders the West had put in to rule them. They own the Strait of Hormuz, which means they have control of the entry to the Gulf region and the oil and gas wealth therein.

If you have any doubts, you should look at this interview on Sky today...


Are there any lingering doubts about how many Iranian rockets got through...?


Post Edited (Wed 02 Oct 11:54)

130. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 12:12

What do you mean they own the Strait of Hormuz? There are other countries on the other side of that strait. If Iran wants to throw away the diplomatic progress it has made with it`s Sunni Arab neighbours then it can go ahead, it`ll hasten the end of the hard line regime that has for so long brutally subjegated it`s people.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

131. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 14:32

Brave little Britain


132. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Thu 3rd Oct 2024. 01:08

I woke up this morning expecting the news to be full of detailed reports of the damage done to Israeli facilities in the Iranian attacks yesterday. But no, not a jot.

The Guardian is still effectively acting as if nothing happened; actually, it says the attacks were a failure and continues to insist that hardly any Iranian missiles hit the ground. The television channels are the same, reporting on Israel’s latest effort to deflect – a bombing attack on the central district of Beirut. In other words, the mainstream media says: Move along, folks. There is nothing to see here.

This parallel universe lives as if the internet doesn’t exist, as if we still live in 1992, and everything continues to be filtered through the lenses of daily newspapers, TV and radio. It pretends we cannot access X/Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, international news channels, translation apps, and the so-called alternative media.

After a few minutes of scanning through there, you can see footage of the IDF’s latest incursion into southern Lebanon. It was an absolute disaster – Hezbollah was lying in wait as they crossed the border, resulting in 20 Israeli soldiers dead and 50 injured. It prompted a full retreat. Any mention of that in the mainstream media?

This is a wake-up call to us all. In absolute clarity, here is the contrast between what the mainstream media and our governments are feeding us and what is happening in reality. Reporting on war has always been opaque, but rarely to the extent that a defeat is painted as a victory, winners are portrayed as losers, and an obvious occurrence is said to have not occurred.

Since early in the Trump administration, when Sean Spicer told those porkies about the inauguration crowd and Kellyanne Conway introduced us to the Orwellian-like term “alternative facts”, we have progressively seen the diminution of truth and facts. It has reached such an extent now that it is evident that we are being manipulated right, left and centre. But by whom? I am sure you can work that out yourselves.

TOWK and Hurricane Jimmy are quick to slam me for quoting the alternative media sources here. The above should illustrate why I do. However, HJ goes further, suggesting that I am some naïve and unaware “media enthusiast based in Australia”.

For the record, I retired early after a minor stroke and a brain aneurysm. But before that, I had been the Australian Bureau Chief of a daily newspaper based in London and the editor of its online news and the weekly paper edition here in Oz. I understand how the media works and can spot bullshit at a hundred yards.


Post Edited (Thu 03 Oct 01:10)

133. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Thu 3rd Oct 2024. 01:11


And, to answer TOWK, I was on the navigation bridge of numerous supertankers in a much earlier life as we transited the Strait of Hormuz in and out of the Gulf. I am very aware of the area`s size, scale and geography, and Iran “owns” that strait. Instantly, it can turn the tap on and off to all oil and gas supplies in the Middle East. We face global war and economic destruction if we allow Netanyahu to go any further. This tide needs to turn.

134. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Thu 3rd Oct 2024. 15:10

Posted in wrong thread - oops!

Post Edited (Thu 03 Oct 15:10)

135. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Mon 7th Oct 2024. 10:45

There have been reports that Iran has today tested a nuclear weapon. Well, that might prompt some pause for thought and reflection from Netanyahu. It would seem that Newton`s Third Law now applies.

136. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Mon 7th Oct 2024. 11:20

What does that matter. The Israeli nuclear deterrent didn`t stop the Ayatollah launching his missiles last week.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

137. Author:  Luxembourg Par        
Date: Mon 7th Oct 2024. 14:31

OzPar, Mon 7 Oct 10:45

There have been reports that Iran has today tested a nuclear weapon. Well, that might prompt some pause for thought and reflection from Netanyahu. It would seem that Newton`s Third Law now applies.

It might prompt the Israelis to attack quicker - they might come up with the conclusion that Iran WILL use a nuke on them as soon as it’s viable…

138. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Mon 7th Oct 2024. 16:26

Or maybe it was just an earthquake

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

139. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Tue 8th Oct 2024. 05:02

I am pretty sure that we have a seismologist/geophysicist in the dotnet fraternity. I recall reports from him on earthquakes in the past. His input on this would be welcome.

From what I have picked up so far from people with much more knowledge of this than me, the view tends towards the seismic activity in Iran being a nuclear test. The key supportive argument seems to be that earthquakes tend to have aftershocks, and there have been none to date.

140. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Tue 8th Oct 2024. 07:42

There is much talk on here about fake news and false narratives. It is a reasonable debate when you are amidst serious conflict worldwide. So, with this in mind, contrast the report below from the alternative media with what you see in the mainstream media. Is the quality of the reporting better or worse than what you are used to? Is the reporter searching out the truth or relating second-hand information?

These alternative news sites don`t have the slick production values of the mainstream media, but I would argue that is not the primary aim of news delivery:


And here are a couple of interesting documentaries relating to Israel-Palestine that have come out this week. I doubt either of them would be allowed to appear on the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc.:

The Grey Zone Documentary: What Really Happened on October 7?


Al Jazeera Documentary: Investigating War Crimes


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