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Topic: Israel must stop
161. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Mon 16th Dec 2024. 08:09

Seems to have gone quiet on the MSM, all on holiday for Christmas?

162. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Mon 16th Dec 2024. 09:22

No it`s still, as it always has been , reported on extensively by all reputable news outlets. Stories from the last twenty four hours.





And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

163. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Mon 16th Dec 2024. 10:56

Dandy Warhol, Mon 16 Dec 07:56

Bombing three or four countries at once and still being marketed as the victim.

Now trying to expand golan heights again…..

164. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Mon 16th Dec 2024. 11:45

Dave_1885, Mon 16 Dec 10:56

Dandy Warhol, Mon 16 Dec 07:56

Bombing three or four countries at once and still being marketed as the victim.

Now trying to expand golan heights again…..

The Druze majority population in the area have asked Israel to annex the area into Israel. I don`t agree that this should just happen but the Druze leadership are fearing for their safety in Syria under Islamic extremists. It way more nuanced that you are making it out to be.

165. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Tue 17th Dec 2024. 07:14

sadindiefreak, Mon 16 Dec 11:45

Dave_1885, Mon 16 Dec 10:56

Dandy Warhol, Mon 16 Dec 07:56

Bombing three or four countries at once and still being marketed as the victim.

Now trying to expand golan heights again…..

The Druze majority population in the area have asked Israel to annex the area into Israel. I don`t agree that this should just happen but the Druze leadership are fearing for their safety in Syria under Islamic extremists. It way more nuanced that you are making it out to be.

Bombing thousands of kids isn`t nuanced.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

166. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Tue 17th Dec 2024. 09:01

Dandy Warhol, Tue 17 Dec 07:14

sadindiefreak, Mon 16 Dec 11:45

Dave_1885, Mon 16 Dec 10:56

Dandy Warhol, Mon 16 Dec 07:56

Bombing three or four countries at once and still being marketed as the victim.

Now trying to expand golan heights again…..

The Druze majority population in the area have asked Israel to annex the area into Israel. I don`t agree that this should just happen but the Druze leadership are fearing for their safety in Syria under Islamic extremists. It way more nuanced that you are making it out to be.

Bombing thousands of kids isn`t nuanced.

Israel have been hitting surface to surface missile depots and air defence systems in Syria, so unless these are being manned by children thousands of kids" have not been getting bombed in Syria.

167. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Tue 17th Dec 2024. 22:14

Sadindiefreak, you really are a heartless pissant. Utterly disgraceful. You are a defender of the most evil people on the planet.

168. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 00:03

TOWK said: No, it`s still, as it always has been , reported on extensively by all reputable news outlets. Stories from the last twenty four hours.


With the bravery of being out of range
With the bravery of being out of range
We play the game
With the bravery of being out of range

(Roger Waters, 1992)

So, TOWK, you call these reputable news outlets... in whose eyes? None has had a single journalist reporting directly from Gaza since the massacres began. Meanwhile, almost 150 properly reputable journalists have died in Gaza, all at the hands of the murderous and indescribably evil IDF.

169. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 10:47

Yes I do call them reputable. When they report that forty thousand plus have been killed in Gaza should I not believe them?
No idea what the Roger Waters lyric is getting at.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

170. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 12:41

OzPar, Tue 17 Dec 22:14

Sadindiefreak, you really are a heartless pissant. Utterly disgraceful. You are a defender of the most evil people on the planet.

Just stating facts.
Facts don`t care about your feelings.

You support Russian Nazis committing genocide in Ukraine and Islamic terrorists slaughtering Jews on Oct 7th 2023.
I care about Palestinian civilians that`s why Hamas must be eliminated to give them some hope of a peaceful future.

171. Author:  desparado        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 16:20

So you are quite content for thousands of innocent Palestinians to be brutally murdered , so that they can have a peaceful future ? 🤷🏼‍♂️

And of course hope that those who survive the genocide will just dust themselves down and forget what happened and get on with whatever miserable existence awaits them. Yip , that will work ….

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

172. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 19:17

I`ve actually not met many people that are on the side of Israel, sadindiefreak is one of the few on here that seems to support them. I`m not actually sure how any decent person, with normal human qualities can support the genocide Israel is carrying out.

In real life I only actually know one person that speaks out quite strongly in favour of what they are doing. He`s otherwise a very likeable person, but on this topic he is very upfront about how the Israeli`s should wipe out every single Muslim in their holy land. Having seen the conversations he has with his Israeli friends and relatives, they view the people of Gaza, as less than human, less than dogs, there is no humanity there.

The Israeli`s have been given a very easy ride but the media here and in the US. I hope they reap what they sow

173. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 18th Dec 2024. 23:01

Instead of pursuing largely trumped up charges of antisemitism, I think our governments should rigorously chase dual citizens of Israel and UK (or in my case, Australia) to determine whether they have served in the IDF in the last five years. If they have, then they should be given an ultimatum to revoke their Israeli passport. If not, they should be deported. These IDF soldiers returning to our countries unrestricted represent a considerably greater threat to our countries than say, Syrian refugees. Nothing will convince me that these IDF devils who indiscriminately were blowing up buildings and shooting kids can suddenly turn into upright and peaceful citizens. There are thousands of them in our communities now and they represent a timebomb that can go off at any moment.

174. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 09:09

It’s never going to change when Western Media portrays all Israelis as “American Israeli” or “Irish Israeli” etc - don’t think Ive seen any article with just “Israeli” as their description.

The governments will pander to them for some strange reason, as has already been proven despite hundreds of thousands of their citizens taking to the streets to demand them to back down.

Netanyahu will never be arrested and tried like Slobodan or Saddam were.

How anyone can still back a nation thats killed 40,000 civilians in supposed self defence, when theres been 20,000 children killed is just unbelievable now. Also, how many lay under the rubble? The true death count will never be known from this genocide.

New leaders in Syria seem very willing to work with the West (so far) which will make the whole conflict in the region even more confusing.

175. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 11:42

There`s not been 40000 civilians killed.


176. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 14:44

sadindiefreak, Thu 19 Dec 11:42

There`s not been 40000 civilians killed.


Aye ok.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

177. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 15:29

sadindiefreak, Thu 19 Dec 11:42

There`s not been 40000 civilians killed.


Oh come off it……..🤦🏻‍♂️ the first image used is an entire neighbourhood flattened to the ground. I gave up right away after that.

178. Author:  desparado        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 15:50

I have a friend in London who’s Granny lost 16 members of her family when the IDF flattened their apartment block. Over two hundred died in that one incident, mostly women and children.
I suppose they were just collateral damage for the three Hamas members that might have lived there…

No right minded human being can support the slaughter of innocents. It’s beyond my comprehension that there are people who are quite happy for Israel to continue its genocide. Sick and sub human is the only way I can describe the Israelis..collective punishment for all, including women and children, the elderly, the frail, students, doctors, teachers, reporters, all being blown to smithereens and Sadindiefreak has no qualms apparently.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

179. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Thu 19th Dec 2024. 19:39

Funny to see Oz question the morality of others considering his simping for dictators. Remember, according to him "Putin was morally correct" in starting the conflict in Ukraine. Oh, and Xi`s CCP is morally upstanding too!

The convenient sidestep of the Russian Nazis comment was to be expected. Since he likes "alternative sources", maybe a good idea to check out this video from NFKRZ on the racism problem of ethnic Russians:

All that said, the suggestion about Israeli dual citizens is a good one although I wonder how it would be legally enforceable. Many countries don`t recognise the relinquishing of a citizenship declared in another country. As a UK-Swedish dual citizen, I could tell the Swedish Government that I relinquish my British citizenship and they have no way of checking as they don`t have the right to check my information in the UK. Likewise, the British will not relinquish my citizenship without me officially writing to the UK home secretary even in lieu of a declaration in Sweden.

Back to the topic at hand though, SadIndieFreak is right about Hamas (and other Islamist organisations for that matter) needing to be taken out of the equation before the Palestinians can have a peaceful future. Where he is definitely wrong though is on the civilian casualties in Palestine. The West has a lot to answer for in its political support for the Zionazis of the Likud Party and others, but I get the feeling that they have really shot themselves in the foot this time and the vast majority of public support in Europe is now against Israel. That will soon have to be reflected politically and I hope that something along the lines of an EU military task force to occupy Palestine and provide security and training is brought to the fore. The US is a different story because of the Zionist lobby and I don`t see that changing any time soon.

180. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 20th Dec 2024. 10:58

Away from the humanitarian aspect of what happened in Gaza (which on the long term will be to the detriment of Israel) the strategic position of Israel has now never been stronger. Despite the giddy excitement of some at the prospect of Israeli cities being decimated by Iranian and Hezbollah rockets the Iranian `axis of resistance` had been systematically dismantled. The savage attack by Hamas fourteen months ago wil surely l go down as one of the greatest political and strategic blunders of all time. Or perhaps not. Events can change the scenery but with Trump in control I doubt the Israeli position will be under threat.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

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