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Topic: Israel must stop
181. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Fri 20th Dec 2024. 14:00

A very poignant and likely correct observation TOWK. What I genuinely wonder is whether the Hamas attack on Israel was facilitated by the Russians in order as a means of distraction to the US & EU from the Ukraine conflict. If so, then an even bigger embarrassment for Putin, Xi and Tehran than was first thought.

182. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Thu 26th Dec 2024. 12:54

I have a profound sense that the "bad guys" have won here. It is the saddest thing I can imagine. The past week`s events have filled me with deep despair.

There is no way I can accept that these creatures happily murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians without consequence. Joyously danced in their victims` underwear and set up night cruises and viewing towers to film the wanton destruction of universities, hospitals and housing blocks in Gaza filled with women and children, confident that the victims were not even destined to be statistics. Forty thousand dead? Go f+ck yourself! Multiply that figure by five, at least! They are under the rubble and will never be counted. No, these bastards shouldn`t win. they should be universally shamed and punished severely!

I am confident that history, when written a hundred years from now, will view October 7th in a very different light from how it is being painted today. Of course, Hamas were no angels, but in every sense of the word, they were freedom fighters, and eventually, we will learn they were responsible for the deaths of a much smaller proportion of the 1,200 Israelis than they are blamed for today.

Babies cooked in microwaves? Beheadings? Rapes? There are so many lies! It isn`t easy to believe anything these fantasists say. And how stupid were the Iranians and Hezbollah to think that the IDF wanted a ceasefire??? Talk about walking into a trap! The Israelis are habitual liars!!! Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

And then there is the great lie that dare not speak its name. Ah, but that can wait for another day. In the meantime, F2CK ISRAEL and those of you who support them. You heartless bastards.

183. Author:  Luxembourg Par        
Date: Thu 26th Dec 2024. 19:24

OZ mate - take a breath.

There were documented beheadings and rapes, parading the abused females on the back of trucks for the world to see.

Hamas played the game, expected a big reaction to then claim oppression, and got the consequences.
Playing the victim? F**k them.
Honestly, what did you expect Israel/IDF to do?
Smile, turn the other cheek and offer them another go?

I’m no lover of Israel - shower of entitled scumbags with no moral compass - but they were right to respond, and respond hard.

184. Author:  Raymie the Legend        
Date: Tue 31st Dec 2024. 11:20

Spare a thought for the innocent citizens of Gaza tonight. They won’t be celebrating a new year.
Netanyahu is a monster. Hopefully, he will be charged one day and see his days out in prison ?
Meanwhile, what are the ordinary Israeli people doing? Don’t see much in the way of protests?
Fly with the crows…

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

Post Edited (Tue 31 Dec 11:20)

185. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 31st Dec 2024. 15:01

Isn`t `fly with the crows` the type of flawed thinking that the Israel has used in their military campaigning?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

186. Author:  Luxembourg Par        
Date: Tue 31st Dec 2024. 16:55

Raymie the Legend, Tue 31 Dec 11:20

Fly with the crows…

Is Raymie advocating the shooting of crows? 🤔

187. Author:  desparado        
Date: Tue 31st Dec 2024. 17:35

I am with OZ on this one. Israel have been murdering Palestinians for over 75 years. They created Hamas. What are the Palestinians to do ? Turn the other cheek and hope they will stop stealing their land, imprisoning them and murdering them ?

Are the Palestinians not entitled to defend themselves? When they attacked Israel they were called terrorists and sub human animals.
When Israel do the same x 100, they are defending themselves. The hypocrisy and double standards from those who support Israel is utterly astounding.

How many people require medical attention after months of bombing? And what do the Sub human barbaric Israelis do? Burn one of the last functioning hospitals in Gaza to the ground.

Hell awaits these monsters…

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

188. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 31st Dec 2024. 18:06

Sub human? Where and when have we heard that language used before?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

189. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 09:28

The One Who Knocks, Tue 31 Dec 18:06

Sub human? Where and when have we heard that language used before?

By the Israelis?

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

190. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 11:29

Probably by some of them yeah, scumbags think like that and there are plenty of those in every society.
Do you believe Israelis are sub human?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

191. Author:  desparado        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 14:09

Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks
Date: Wed 1 Jan 11:29

Probably by some of them yeah, scumbags think like that and there are plenty of those in every society.
Do you believe Israelis are sub human?

Many of them undoubtedly are.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

192. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 14:28

The One Who Knocks, Wed 1 Jan 11:29

Probably by some of them yeah, scumbags think like that and there are plenty of those in every society.
Do you believe Israelis are sub human?

I don`t believe anyone is sub human however they are well documented as seeing Palestinians as such, as animals.
I just don`t see any defence for them, they must have some amount of filth on our politicians.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

193. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 19:41

The One Who Knocks, Wed 1 Jan 11:29

Probably by some of them yeah, scumbags think like that and there are plenty of those in every society.
Do you believe Israelis are sub human?

I believe Zionists are, absolutely.

194. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 20:23

Like Dandy I don`t like describing any group as sub human. It`s was used extensively by the Nazis (though it was the KKK which first coined the term)to dehumanise those they wanted to exterminate. The SS brochure `Der Untermensch` was widely published by the Third Reich and stated.
"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being. Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside this being is a cruel chaos of wild, unrestrained passions, nameless desire for destruction, the most primitive desires, the most naked meanness."

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

195. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 20:39

The One Who Knocks, Wed 1 Jan 20:23

Like Dandy I don`t like describing any group as sub human. It`s was used extensively by the Nazis (though it was the KKK which first coined the term)to dehumanise those they wanted to exterminate. The SS brochure `Der Untermensch` was widely published by the Third Reich and stated.
"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being. Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside this being is a cruel chaos of wild, unrestrained passions, nameless desire for destruction, the most primitive desires, the most naked meanness."

That last sentence is chillingly accurate for anyone who orders, executes or celebrates the crimes we have seen against the people in Gaza.

196. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 1st Jan 2025. 21:00

What about the rest of the Nazi description though? Just in that little section from their sinister booklet they describe Jews as `subhuman` and `creatures` which are both terms then used to describe Israeli`s in this very thread. Just coincidence I`m sure but nevertheless a tad unsettling.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

197. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Thu 2nd Jan 2025. 06:08

As always, TOWK, your deflections and whatabouteries know no bounds. Are you honestly prepared to cite Naziism when the Zionists are mirroring their behaviour in almost every way? Do you not see the irony here?

I suppose, in some oblique way, you deserve credit for your determined defence of Israel despite the consistently evil doings of its leaders, its military, and a ridiculously high proportion of its citizens.

The Zionists have displayed the most graphic lack of humanity, suggesting a behaviour that could be defined as "subhuman". And given that context, I am comfortable to describe them as "creatures".

However, if the term “creatures” bothers you so much, there are a host of collective nouns I can think of that would be equally appropriate descriptors for your ugly Zionist friends.

198. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Thu 2nd Jan 2025. 09:59

So the descriptors you use for the Israelis include sub human and creatures yet the harshest term for Hamas was ` they are no angels`!
I do find it amusing that you think I am some steadfast defender and supporter of Israel simply because I refuse to tow the line in engaging in prejudiced dialogue.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

199. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sun 5th Jan 2025. 13:42

Why do we put up with it ?

Notice all the TV adverts just now making out it`s fun to join the armed forces.

Hopefully the kids aren`t falling for it.

Let`s see the politicians join the front of the queue .


200. Author:  desparado        
Date: Wed 15th Jan 2025. 21:16

So a ceasefire has been reached. How long will it last though? Hopefully it does.

I found a comment by Anthony Blinken very relevant. He said that Hamas has recruited as many fighters ( he did not use that description) than it has lost.

What a surprise….not.

Some posters on here were defending the indefensible and saying that Israel have to eliminate Hamas before they stop their genocide.

It’s impossible to eliminate these groups because the more innocent people that are killed the more people will join them and that has been proved time and time again.

Israel have destroyed Gaza, killed tens of thousands of innocent people, killed a few hundred Hamas fighters and no doubt a few thousand Hamas sympathisers and in doing so have inadvertently created many more people who will hate Israel until the day they die for the crimes against humanity and the atrocities they have committed.

Will they ( Israel ) start to rebuild Gaza, build schools and hospitals…..for Arabs…..not Israeli settlers?

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

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