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Topic: Israel must stop
41. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Tue 28th May 2024. 21:36

Raymie the Legend, Tue 28 May 20:06

When are countries going to take some action? More innocent people murdered over the last few days

They aren’t. The US and UK are complicit in all of this, but they wont step in either.

42. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sun 2nd Jun 2024. 01:55

1. Haifa Massacre 1937
2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937
3. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939
4. Haifa Massacre 1939
5. Haifa Massacre 1947
6. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
7. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947
8. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947
9. Jerusalem Massacre 1947
10. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947
11. Jaffa Massacre 1948
12. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948
13. Tantura Massacre 1948
14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967
16. Bahro Al Baquar 1972
17. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
18. Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990
19. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
20. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002
21. Gaza Massacre 2008-09
22. Gaza Massacre 2012
23. Gaza Massacre 2014
24. Gaza Massacre 2018-19
25. Gaza Massacre 2021
26. Gaza Massacre 2023-now


43. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 3rd Jun 2024. 15:25

[url=https://open.substack.com/pub/dearscotland/p/english-labour-and-the-israel-lobby?r=hzhx5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email]labour and Israel lobby[/url]

44. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Wed 5th Jun 2024. 04:52

EP.2 - The Crisis

EP.3 - The Hierarchy

EP.4 - The Spying Game

45. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 5th Jun 2024. 10:10

The party for the working class....go figure.
We wiped them out of Scotland 9 years ago but they`re back again, who would`ve believed it.

46. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 16:07

Bombed a school today, claimed they took out 39 Hamas fighters……when did children become war mongering terrorists? 🤔

47. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 17:43

Hamas are well known for using schools and hospitals to run their terrorist operations from.
Your reaction is precisely why they do it.

48. Author:  jake89        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 18:34

If a terrorist was in the Kingsgate centre you wouldn`t blow up the whole Kingsgate though, would you?

49. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 19:19

jake89, Thu 6 Jun 18:34

If a terrorist was in the Kingsgate centre you wouldn`t blow up the whole Kingsgate though, would you?

sif would by the sounds of it…….

50. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 19:21

Israel admit to killing many of the 20 to 30 fighters believed to be inside……in an air strike, on a refugee camp……….so more civvy deaths, more needless destruction, over what is still unconfirmed if they even killed 20-30 fighters…….

But its ok, because Netanyahu will say sorry for killing and mutilating numerous civilians……

51. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 21:26

I`ve seen the photos released of the body bags resulting from this missile strike. Definitely no children involved. Full size body bags.
Israel used surveillance drones and local intelligence to confirm this was a Hamas operating centre. No mistakes made on this occasion.

52. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 6th Jun 2024. 21:40

sadindiefreak, Thu 6 Jun 21:26

I`ve seen the photos released of the body bags resulting from this missile strike. Definitely no children involved. Full size body bags.
Israel used surveillance drones and local intelligence to confirm this was a Hamas operating centre. No mistakes made on this occasion.

Honestly, just stop 🤦🏻‍♂️ its worrying that you believe this nonsense…..

53. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Fri 7th Jun 2024. 03:12

It saddens me to see comments like those from SIF. How is it possible to defend such evil actions, not once, not twice, but multiple times?

With each of these atrocities, it is becoming increasingly clear that Israel will not stop the genocide. There is no desire within the Israeli Government or, indeed, the Israeli population to move towards a two-state solution. As for the one-state solution, which surely most humanitarians would favour, that remains a distant pipedream.

I think we are fast coming to the point where external action must be taken to put an end to Israel’s appalling behaviour towards the Palestinians. But where will it come from? Certainly not the USA, or Britain, or Germany. And the UN has revealed itself as a toothless tiger. The Arab nations? Where are they? In countries like Egypt, Turkey and Jordan, the populous fill the streets in their millions, urging their leaders to act, but their leaders do nothing.

In truth, the only genuine support the Palestinians have received has come from Iran, the Houthis of Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

I hate to see the wanton damage the Israelis have visited upon Gaza and, of course, the West Bank. Yet, amazingly, it is something that 98% of the Israeli population supports, proof, if it were needed, that Israel has become a psychopathic nation. That said, I confess that something deep inside me would find quiet satisfaction if large swathes of Tel Aviv were flattened in response. For, how do you measure the appropriate level of revenge for 75 years of bullying, destruction, and murder?

And what is the alternative? Another 75 years of unremitting evil?

54. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Fri 7th Jun 2024. 20:22

SIF is actually correct. It`s a well known tactic of Hamas to use hospitals and schools as a sanctuary for their militants. This is why Hamas should be considered as the terrorist organisation that they are. The sad thing is that the Palestinian Authority is toothless and has not done itself any favours by continually postponing elections and this has greatly undermined it`s legitimacy. And I say this as someone who supports a Palestinian State and also as someone who believes that Hamas would not exist were it not for the behaviour of the Israelis.

Netanyahu and Likud are equally - if not more - reprehensible. The man should be in prison.

Frankly, trying to make sense of the Middle East and all of the facets of the region is a thankless task and simply pointless.

55. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sat 8th Jun 2024. 05:41

HJ, you have shown yourself to be a "useful idiot" for Israeli propaganda. Don`t you know the Palestinian Authority is in the pocket of Israel? The Palestinians do not trust them. Sadly, you are as misinformed on the Middle East as you are on Ukraine.

Genuine pictures and an authentic report of the incident can be found here:-


56. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Sat 8th Jun 2024. 08:26

Oz, is there a wee bit of sour grapes there because you were found wanting in terms of your knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian history? If so, you need to grow up because you are Hamas` "useful idiot".

What SIF is saying in regard to the use of Hospitals and Schools as a sanctuary for militants DOES happen and like him I have been privvy to briefings regarding this. It`s a common tactic used by Islamist militants and has been employed in Gaza, Iraq, Afghan and so on. For the record, I do not condone missile strikes on these facilities and I condemn the Israelis for not using their special forces in these instances. Moreover I condemn them for being there in the first place.

Personally I think the Israelis are despicable in their behaviour toward the Palestinians but I will not give a free pass to Hamas for killing children and families, which they have done and you blatantly ignore. The ICJ`s (currently tentative) decision to prosecute both sides is 100% correct.

I actually agree with your sentiment on Gaza but you are most definitely refusing to acknowledge that Hamas is no clean cookie. What gives them the right to enter family homes and kill women and children? Allah? Their religion is poison in exactly the same way that Judaism and Christianity is. As for the Palestinian Authority, much of the reason the people lost trust in them is because they continually delayed elections and the Israelis have basically used this a stick to poke the opposition to the PA and keep the political parties fractured.

For absolute clarity: I do not support Israel or their war in Gaza as I have been very clear on. Netanyahu is a War Criminal and should be in prison along with Likud and the leaders of the other Israeli far right who are running the country. The weapons shipments from the West should be stopped with immediate effect and I support the international recognition of a Palestinian state.

The simple point is: don`t be so naïve.

Post Edited (Sat 08 Jun 08:27)

57. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sat 8th Jun 2024. 11:21

Oz claims, quite ludicrously, that only 2% of Israelis are opposed to the action against Gaza, even though close to 20% of the Israeli population isn`t Jewish with most of that sizable minority being Arab-Muslim who I doubt support the reckless actions of the IDF in Gaza or the wider policy against Palestine.
Tel Aviv has a population of just under half a million. Oz would take a quiet satisfaction in portions of it being flattened with the resulting undoubted deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. If Israel is a psychopathic nation then what would taking a quiet satisfaction in the destruction of a major city make someone?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

58. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Sat 8th Jun 2024. 15:59

Honestly, I`m becoming more convinced that Oz is becoming a bit of a "Tankie" and just thinks the West is at fault for everything.

There have been the Claims that Ukraine has lost against Putler when the Russians have failed spectacularly to capitalise on 6 months of American dithering. The Ukrainians have made quite clear that they would rather die than be considered "Russian".

Then there are the assertions about China`s "power" and BRICS and so-called "de-dollarisation" when China is truly b*ggered demographically and economically. The true extent of this will be seen in the next few years. India will be the next Superpower.

It`s genuinely quite dangerous when folk start claiming that those who actually have experience of something are spouting "fake news" as has been the case with Oz toward SIF on this thread.

59. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sun 9th Jun 2024. 02:23

TOWK said: Oz claims, quite ludicrously, that only 2% of Israelis are opposed to the action against Gaza, even though close to 20% of the Israeli population isn`t Jewish with most of that sizable minority being Arab-Muslim who I doubt support the reckless actions of the IDF in Gaza or the wider policy against Palestine.


I am quoting Time magazine from polling done by Tel Aviv University. And I am being generous—it is actually 1.8%!

In one respect, you are correct; I failed to point out that it was a survey of Israeli Jews, not Israelis as a whole. It would be fair to say that the Arab Muslims in Israel would probably be against the IDF action; after all, in apartheid Israel, they do not have the same rights as the Jews in over 60 respects legally. Given the number of churches that have been destroyed in Gaza and the persistent spitting Christians receive in the streets of Jerusalem from Orthodox Jews, it is fair to say they probably oppose the action, too.

The relevant paragraph in the Time article is as follows:-

"Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren`t sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower."

Please don`t question my research.


TOWK said: Tel Aviv has a population of just under half a million. Oz would take a quiet satisfaction in portions of it being flattened with the resulting undoubted deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. If Israel is a psychopathic nation then what would taking a quiet satisfaction in the destruction of a major city make someone?


Again, please put what I said into perspective. I couched my comment as a confession that something deep inside me would find quiet satisfaction in seeing a levelling of the ledger; in other words, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, such a Middle Eastern concept. I added three questions: How do you measure the appropriate level of revenge for 75 years of bullying, destruction, and murder? What is the alternative? Another 75 years of unremitting evil?

60. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sun 9th Jun 2024. 04:06

HJ said: Oz, is there a wee bit of sour grapes there because you were found wanting in terms of your knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian history? If so, you need to grow up because you are Hamas` "useful idiot".


Haha! No sour grapes, HJ. I will be 70 this year, so if I haven`t grown up, I should celebrate discovering the fountain of youth! I am neither a defender nor a detractor of Hamas. I may not like their methods, but I sympathise with their cause. In certain respects, you may well be close to the truth when you suggest I haven`t yet grown up. My opinion on Palestine has not changed in more than 50 years.

On another thread, I related how my father was a paratrooper in the 6th Airborne Division, landing behind enemy lines in Normandy on D-Day. About nine months later, his division advanced to the Baltic to meet the Russians at Wismar. On their way there, they passed the Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp and were horrified by the appalling condition of the prisoners they saw, primarily Jewish.

After the war ended, the division was sent to Palestine to help police the British Mandate before the state of Israel was established. It is fair to say that the paras went to Palestine with considerable sympathy for the Jews. However, the Jews were impatient for their state. Through increasingly militant Zionist organisations like Irgun, Hagunah, and the LHI (known as the Stern Gang), they created the template for modern-day terrorism, and their primary target was the British Army.

Used to conventional fighting in Europe, British troops found it difficult to deal with the particularly violent actions of Irgun and LHI. My Dad described to me as a teenager the horrors he experienced in almost two years in Palestine.

He and his mates dug through the rubble of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, looking for survivors after the Irgun bombed it - 91 died. A young soldier in his brigade was discovered "cooked" in a locked tin trunk that the Stern Gang had deliberately left under the midday sun in a town square. And, of course, there was the infamous incident where two soldiers were hung and their bodies booby-trapped with explosives.

We should never forget that more than 750 British Army personnel lost their lives in the three years leading up to the establishment of Israel. It was a very dirty war, and the perpetrators founded the Likud Party, and their successors became the leaders of today`s Israel.

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