Topic: Israel must stop |
101. Author: Raymie the Legend Date: Wed 18th Sep 2024. 11:53 It`s all going to kick off in the area and more countries become embroiled. Hezbollah will already be planning a revenge attack, I`ve no doubt ![]() It`s bloody tough being a legend Ron Atkinson - 1983 Reply |
102. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Wed 18th Sep 2024. 20:35 More children murdered by Israel and this time In Lebanon - and still nothing from our government condoning it 🤦🏻♂️ Reply |
103. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 20th Sep 2024. 07:19 Israel has proved once again that it is nothing more than a terrorist state. This time, seeking to kill more people in a couple of minutes with this evil scheme than two planes did at the WTC in New York on 9/11, 2001. Thankfully, they largely failed, but the damage is still significant. If Israel gets into a full-scale war with Hezbollah, it will have enormous consequences for Israel`s infrastructure and also its people. If they attempt a ground invasion, they will be annihilated, as they were last time. For heaven`s sake, the IDF is exhausted; they can`t beat Hamas, which is tiny in com parison. Let`s hope that Hezbollah makes a point of targeting the settler communities in the West Bank. Flatten them, and they will do the world a great favour. Reply |
104. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 20th Sep 2024. 22:52 If Hezbollah were in any shape to seriously defeat the IDF then they would do so. They know though that whatever they throw at Israel will be returned fourfold. For the sake of innocent lives on both sides hopefully Hezbollah pull back from the border and choose a path of de-escalation but I suppose that decision will be taken in Tehran. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
105. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 20th Sep 2024. 23:47 Ah, the "for the sake of innocent lives" argument. It`s funny how this argument only comes out when the guns are turned in the direction of Israel. This thought is never considered when the IDF is indiscriminately killing innocent women and children in Palestine. Reply |
106. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sat 21st Sep 2024. 00:11 If the confrontation escalates further Oz there will be many more innocent lives lost in Lebanon than their will be in Israel, so yes, I for one do hope Iran chooses the path of de-escalation. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
107. Author: OzPar Date: Sun 22nd Sep 2024. 06:14 You are correct, TOWK. There will be many more innocent lives lost in Lebanon than there will be in Israel. The reason for this is that most Israelis support the genocide in Palestine. Thus, an obscenely small proportion of Israelis could be categorised as “innocent”. Reply |
108. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Sun 22nd Sep 2024. 07:37 Yet Oz, you still seem intent on goading the Lebanese into inviting death and destruction upon themselves. The simple reality is that the IDF are far more powerful than ANY of the other militaries in the region. You know as well as I do that Hezbollah are an Islamist terrorist organisation and that any Israeli response with not be proportionate. You`ve attacked myself and other posters for confirming that Islamists tactics such as using schools and hospitals as cover do actually happen. Are you actually aware of the technology that went into the pager and walkie talkie attack? Or the infiltration of logistical chains that would be required to make that happen? Likely, you will once again use such statements to try and accuse me of supporting Israel when the reality is that I despise Likud and Netanyahu. I do also believe that the EU and US have a lot to answer for regarding the Palestinians. The simple fact is that the Arab world is an absolute Clusterf*ck and its almost impossible to understand the dynamics between the innumerable different groups. Priority #1 for the Palestinians should be to consolidate themselves politically outside of Hamas and start lobbying the UN, EU, Mercosur and ASEAN - now is the prime time to do it as the Israelis have basically destroyed any good will that might have existed toward them. As with Ukraine and China, your perspectives are deeply flawed and not really in touch with reality on this subject. Reply |
109. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Mon 30th Sep 2024. 17:02 Now planning a land incursion into Lebanon after bombing Beirut the other day……. World War 3 on its way it seems but hopefully it remains in the Middle East and we don’t involve ourselves in it. Reply |
110. Author: Buspasspar Date: Mon 30th Sep 2024. 18:03 The genocide of the Arab Nations continue`s .. We are forever shaped by the Children we once were Reply |
111. Author: Tenruh Date: Mon 30th Sep 2024. 22:43 Dave_1885, Mon 30 Sept 17:02 You might think I`m way off the mark here Dave but I suspect we`re already involved . Reply |
112. Author: OzPar Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 03:23 Of course, the UK is involved. It has been reported for nine months but not in the mainstream media. RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus plays a vital role in the IDF actions... Here, the Jordanian foreign minister articulates the Arab position on Israel`s behaviour at the United Nations. Despite HJ`s love of "simple facts", the reality is far from the confused clusterf*ck he claims. Reply |
113. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 10:47 Oz, pretty much everyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the Middle East could tell you that Israel is a unifying factor among the Arab states. Your links do nothing more than confirm that. Who even are Double Brown News btw? 😂 If you really think the Middle East is that simple though and is not based on transactionary relationships (Much like the Russia-China "alliance") then you need to enrol in one of your local universities and actually study it a wee bit from the history up until contemporary politics. It looks like you`ve got the conflict you were wishing for though, so well done. If you expect anything other than Israeli victory with a mountain of civilian casualties on the Arab side then you`re more of a fool than you appear. For somebody who claims to be in the know with regard to the events on the ground and the inner working of the media, you are truly remarkably ignorant on the Middle East, China and Russia. Post Edited (Tue 01 Oct 10:49) Reply |
114. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 12:54 Sorry, by the UK being involved I meant troops on the ground and planes in the skies, not just financial backing. We currently have the blood on 20,000 children on our hands as well as Israel and the US mind you. Reply |
115. Author: OzPar Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 14:35 HJ. You can insult me all you like. You have demonstrated your arrogance and ignorance on multiple occasions, so I`ll wear your childish insults as a badge of honour. Your dismissal of the Jordanian foreign minister`s comments is astounding given the context of where he was speaking and on whose behalf. But, you are the all-seeing expert, of course. For the record, I would wager that I have seen more of the Middle East than you, and certainly over a longer timeframe. The fact you don`t know who Double Down News is only serves to emphasise what a pretentious little daftie you are. It is an example of the alternative media that has currently around about 700,000 subscribers. Matt Kennard, who features in the story I cited was formerly in the Financial Times Washington and New York bureaus. There are plenty more such independent news sources these days, produced by professional journalists who have left the mainstream. They are proving themselves infinitely more reliable than the mainstream media. I will haud ma wheesht on China and Russia for now. Events later this month will likely change your tune. Reply |
116. Author: Bandy Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 15:38 "Priority #1 for the Palestinians should be to consolidate themselves politically outside of Hamas" Hamas is pretty much a dictatorship (no elections in Gaza since 2005 or so) and dictatorships are pretty difficult to topple from the inside, other than through a military coup, and since Hamas is basically the military the chances of ordinary Gazas being able to consolidate politically `outside of Hamas` without being killed by Hamas are incredibly incredibly small. In the same way North Koreans SHOULD consolidate against the Kim dynasty, and Russians probably SHOULD consolidate against Putin, and the Chinese SHOULD consolidate against the communist party... Pretty difficult to do though...I certainly wouldn`t fancy my chances! Reply |
117. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 16:34 Good grief I`ve just looked at that Double Down News on YouTube. What a load of tosh. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
118. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Tue 1st Oct 2024. 21:18 Oz, funnily enough, I have seen a good bit of the Middle East. Through work I very often deal with companies from there as well. You`ve also tried to claim I am wrong about China and its economy despite me being based in Hong Kong and dealing with companies withdrawing from here and the mainland on a daily basis as part of my job. The crux of the matter is that China has fallen into the "Middle Income Trap" and demographic challenges mean that it faces a near impossible task to climb out of that. India are on the verge of overtaking China as the main driver of global growth. Somehow I think I`d have a better idea of what`s going on here considering I deal with it on a daily basis than a media enthusiast based in Australia, but I guess that makes me pretentious right? Having done a wee Google on Double Down news it seems they describe themselves as "Alternative Media" as you stated...that should tell you everything you need to know. If you want some "alternative" content then why not go and speak to a number of the anti-Putin Russian journalists now based in Latvia or the anti-CCP Chinese journalists in the US and Canada. The folk I know from the Hong Kong Free Press can certainly tell you some very interesting stuff. You`ve shown on a number of occasions that you have ZERO experience of military and intelligence perspectives which, generally speaking, are the ones that win out. Now, considering you have cited the likes of Douglas MacGregor and other Sammer-approved media sources in your spreading of false information on the Ukraine conflict, that really undermines the credibility of anything you say. As it stands, the US and EU have basically given the Ukrainians the means to destroy Russia`s military power with not even 0.5% of their respective GDPs. Go figure. The simple fact (as I like to say) is that you don`t like being called out for your biases and spreading of false narratives, especially by somebody younger than you. You`d do well to remember that its not your generation that will have to fight Putin and the CCP, despite you being willing to spread their distorted narratives. Should Putin decide that he fancies a wee trip to a NATO country then I`ll be back to the Swedish Air Force. My 5 year old son also faces the prospect of mandatory military service in Japan when he grows up, with Japan likely to become a nuclear-armed state owing to the behaviour of the CCP. Some state of affairs, eh? You`ve now got the conflict between the IDF and Arabs that you were desperate for though, so let`s see how that plays out. Post Edited (Tue 01 Oct 21:38) Reply |
119. Author: sadindiefreak Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 01:38 OzPar, Tue 1 Oct 03:23 |
120. Author: P Date: Wed 2nd Oct 2024. 06:35 OzPar, Tue 1 Oct 14:35 Is that the same elastic month where you had Ukraine crushed and surrendering at least a year ago 😂 Reply |