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Topic: Trump
181. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 28th Feb 2025. 21:41

Bletchley_Par, Fri 28 Feb 21:02

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 28 Feb 20:44

If they do, what`s stopping Russia saying "Yeah, we want that bit too"?


They probably do want that bit too.

Very few wars are completed to totality, the fight to the bunker is the exception not the rule.

For a thousand years, European wars have been halted because the outcome has become inevitable.

The loser gives up some land, pays restitution and chalks it up to experience, both sides then bury their dead and you have a period of peace.

So, given Russia appear to want more, making a concession would result in a potentially awful outcome for Ukrainian people.

I`m all for nations getting on but Trump`s relationship with Putin makes me uneasy.

182. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Fri 28th Feb 2025. 22:02

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 28 Feb 21:41

So, given Russia appear to want more, making a concession would result in a potentially awful outcome for Ukrainian people.

Yeah we are well past that already, cities have been levelled hundreds of thousands dead if they wish to turn "awful" into "catastrophe" they can keep fighting.

I`m all for nations getting on but Trump`s relationship with Putin makes me uneasy.

If you actually believe some of the stuff you`ve typed here then it is quite understandable you are nervous.

183. Author:  brian        
Date: Fri 28th Feb 2025. 23:18

Yeah we are well past that already, cities have been levelled hundreds of thousands dead if they wish to turn "awful" into "catastrophe" they can keep fighting.

Don`t quite know where you are going with that. We can blame Putin for all the deaths on both sides.

Zelenskey and the Ukrainians are defending their country.

Give in to Trump and Putin and there will be many many more Ukrainian deaths.

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184. Author:  brian        
Date: Fri 28th Feb 2025. 23:28

"Russians came to our territory, to our houses ... they killed so many people," Zelensky says. "Just to forget it, just to say Putin is a great guy, no."

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185. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Fri 28th Feb 2025. 23:32

Topic Originator: brian
Date: Fri 28 Feb 23:18

Don`t quite know where you are going with that. We can blame Putin for all the deaths on both sides.

Sure we can if we wish to adopt a sophomoric analysis of what has went on here and your entire contribution to this debate has been "Brexit and Orange Man bad."

Zelenskey and the Ukrainians are defending their country.

Give in to Trump and Putin and there will be many many more Ukrainian deaths.

And this is just nonsense, I get you don`t like him but it seems many people would rather this war go on than Trump be a peacemaker.

I`m sure you think this all started when Putin invaded 3 years ago, it didn`t. It matters not a jot who or when it started now, all that matters who is winning.

And the solid brutal truth is this....Ukraine are killing Russians at a higher rate than the Russians are killing Ukrainians, they are fighting the good fight....but it`s not enough, they will run out of men to feed the meat grinder.

Post Edited (Fri 28 Feb 23:36)

186. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 03:27

I think this is probably a good time for Mexico to take Texas back. Trump will obviously capitulate in order to save lives.
If Trump really wants to stop the war for noble, humanitarian reasons, he can tell Putin to get out and repair the damage.
Of course, he is compromised by Putin, so in order to save money for his top 1% tax breaks, he picks on the little guy.

The best thing that can happen now is Chic should tell Trumpski to forget the invite and invite zelenski instead.

Post Edited (Sat 01 Mar 03:32)

187. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 03:50

Imagine if Winston had the same philosophy in 1941 and gave up Kent to the Germans………BP would laud him till the cows came home of course!

188. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 07:24

Bletchley_Par, Fri 28 Feb 22:02

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Fri 28 Feb 21:41

So, given Russia appear to want more, making a concession would result in a potentially awful outcome for Ukrainian people.

Yeah we are well past that already, cities have been levelled hundreds of thousands dead if they wish to turn "awful" into "catastrophe" they can keep fighting.

I`m all for nations getting on but Trump`s relationship with Putin makes me uneasy.

If you actually believe some of the stuff you`ve typed here then it is quite understandable you are nervous.

Care to give examples of things I`ve said that are incorrect?

189. Author:  brian        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 07:35


No idea where you think people want this war to go in.
Everybody wants it to stop, even zelenskey

Big bully goes into playground, bullies all the kids. Head teacher says to bully, "please stop hitting the kids, and we will let you do what you want"

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190. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 07:53

brian, Sat 1 Mar 07:35


No idea where you think people want this war to go in.
Everybody wants it to stop, even zelenskey

Big bully goes into playground, bullies all the kids. Head teacher says to bully, "please stop hitting the kids, and we will let you do what you want"

But you`re not understanding what led the bully to hurt those kids.

191. Author:  brian        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 09:16

Jeezo, you cannot be serious

The bully wanted to take over that country and kill people who stood in his way

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192. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 10:26

Hey redstarpar, I don’t know how you got the impression that I don’t like you. That is simply not true. I can be grumpy on here, but that’s usually after getting up at 2am on a Sunday to watch the Pars lose again without putting in enough effort. Thank you for your supportive comments. It can be quite draining reading some of the comments on here.

193. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 10:43

From doddering senility to wild unpredictability, the change in the White House must have Putin rubbing his hands with glee…he might have a wee nibble of a Baltic state’s borders just to see how NATO reacts.

Oh for a President with a Ich bin ein Berliner resolve!

194. Author:  brian        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 10:51

ther reason I brought up Brexit was that we should all be working together, not broken.

I`m well aware the issues with EU and things maybe could be better in areas, but it needed worked on, not broken.

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195. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 11:18

brian, Sat 1 Mar 09:16

Jeezo, you cannot be serious

The bully wanted to take over that country and kill people who stood in his way

You`re missing the point. What MADE him do it. He`s a sweet boy but the political environment forced him to invade. It wasn`t that long ago that NATO was stealing his pals by inviting them to join the "No Putin`s" club. Poor wee lamb.

196. Author:  DBP        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 12:07

really unhappy that...

a) Starmer went over pretending to be tough but in reality just licked round him going an about the `special relationship (which is nonsense BTW)

b) we have a unelected/hereditary/self serving/super rich head of state

c) without any say (or reading the room) - that monarch is going to lay on a state visit to my country

197. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 12:28

DBP, Sat 1 Mar 12:07

really unhappy that...

a) Starmer went over pretending to be tough but in reality just licked round him going an about the `special relationship (which is nonsense BTW)

b) we have a unelected/hereditary/self serving/super rich head of state

c) without any say (or reading the room) - that monarch is going to lay on a state visit to my country

Using British Taxpayers money no less.

198. Author:  brian        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 13:22

You`re missing the point. What MADE him do it. He`s a sweet boy but the political environment forced him to invade. It wasn`t that long ago that NATO was stealing his pals by inviting them to join the "No Putin`s" club. Poor wee lamb.

you cannot be serious ??

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199. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 13:25

Pretty sure that was sarcasm tbf

200. Author:  brian        
Date: Sat 1st Mar 2025. 13:29

no, not sarcasm.

such a serious topic as this with lives lost and people agreeing with Trump, who would be sarcastic ??

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