Topic: Trump |
101. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Thu 20th Feb 2025. 00:03 Topic Originator: The One Who Knocks That`s right TOWK you tell him! ![]() Reply |
102. Author: P Date: Thu 20th Feb 2025. 06:13 Trump is now just reading the script he is instructed to read by the Kremlin, he doesn’t even have the wherewithal to put his statements into chat gpt with the command “make this sound less like President Putin is telling me what to say” Reply |
103. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 07:32 Irony of ironies, HJ is calling Bletchley a "moron". And the usual crowd are piling in with insults! In actual fact, guys, Bletchley`s comments about the Ukraine situation are pretty accurate. Too many of you have succumbed to the lies and distortions of your mainstream media and have failed to realise the days of those sources are numbered. There are many more reliable alternative sources now. No, not Pravda, but a multitude of unbiased experts in various fields. They are not in the pay of the military industrial complex like those who form an orderly queue to be interviewed at the BBC, ITV, Times Radio, MSNBC, CNN, etc. The lies they have perpetrated these past three years verge on the criminal. It must be approaching a year since I caused some shock by stating here that Russia had won the war. This wasn`t some isolated "left-field" view, this was the consensus of many experts, and I just echoed their comments. Everything pointed to disaster for Ukraine after the failure of its Spring Offensive. And it should have ended then. indeed, it should have ended very soon after it started, but for the intervention of Biden and Boris Johnson. The failure to stop and instead fuel the flames with ever-more weapons has resulted in the unnecessary deaths of more than a million Ukrainians and Russians. Now that is criminal! You know, Bletchley is right. the roots of this war go back to 2014 and beyond when a properly elected president Yanukovych was overthrown in a CIA-funded coup. A colour revolution made for good documentaries, but it was all bullshit. His sin was to not support moves to strengthen links with the West and let Ukraine join NATO. And here we are - Trump is abandoning NATO. Not because he is Putin`s stooge - he knows the extent to which the Biden administration, NATO, and the governments of Germany, France and Britain have stuffed things up. Trump acknowledges the truth, that Putin was provoked by the actions of NATO and its members. Today, NATO is much-diminished. Likely, it is on a shoogly peg. According to the experts, without the US and Turkey, NATO would struggle to put 50,000 troops on the ground in a fight against Russia. There is only one sensible outcome: With luck, not before time, we may have peace. Reply |
104. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 07:44 I did some work for a large broadcaster, I`ll say only this, the footage you don`t see from these places vs the footage you do is mind blowing. There`s a lot of Nazis in Ukraine. I`m no Putin fan at all but I`ll go on record saying Zelenskiy is an actor, a coked up little grifter. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Reply |
105. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 11:20 Just straight outright lies from Oz Par. If I were you thought Oz I`d more concerned with Russia`s partner without limits conducting naval exercises just off your southern coast. To be fair if China was to make a move against Australia`s mineral resources they`d have every right after you made alliances with the USA right? I assume you also support Trump`s idea of relocating the Palestinians from Gaza and turn it into a Riviera owned by the U.S/Israel? Post Edited (Fri 21 Feb 11:22) Reply |
106. Author: Andrew283 Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 11:24 OzPar, Fri 21 Feb 07:32 Absolute word salad Reply |
107. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 11:25 A coked up little grifter that when Russian storm troopers were circling Kyiv and the offer was on the table from the West for him to receive safe haven he refused it and remained in the city. Aye such bravery and integrity are the calling cards of a coked up grifter. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
108. Author: wee eck Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 11:55 All this stuff about `my sources are more reliable than your sources` is tiresome for those of us who have no sure way of authenticating the news. If Russia has won the war why is Putin prepared to engage in peace talks? Reply |
109. Author: Andrew283 Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 12:04 I want this war over, but I`m also desperately wanting to see Poland get involved. They have an absolute hatred for the Russians. Reply |
110. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 13:26 The One Who Knocks, Fri 21 Feb 11:25 I saw what went on the cutting room floor. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Post Edited (Fri 21 Feb 13:33) Reply |
111. Author: parsfan Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 17:13 The internet`s brilliant, isn`t it? I remember when my eldest was just a baby and had hiccups. We didn`t know what to do so looked for advice online. One site said something like: Hiccups in babies might be very distressing for the parent but, don`t worry, they`re completely harmless Another was along the lines of: While it might be quite amusing when your baby has hiccups, they`re actually really dangerous I gave up when another suggested sticking a finger up his bum. In other words, seek and you shall find. Once you`ve found what you`re looking for you can dismiss others who sought something different and found their own independent experts. A simple "something...something...MSM" should do the trick. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The universe is ruled by chance and indifference ![]() Reply |
112. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 17:19 Russias doing a great job if they are winning the war - 3 years in, still not in Kyiv and not much ground taken in that time. And the US thinks that the rest of Europe needs to worry if they pull support and leave us to it? 🤔 Reply |
113. Author: Tad Allagash Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 19:33 ‘I gave up when another suggested sticking a finger up his bum.’ Did they specify whose finger though? Reply |
114. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 21:57 Wow. Seems we have the tankies uniting on dotnet! Now I`m worried that there`s a tendency for men to start becoming authoritarian tankie schills as soon as we hit our late 60s! But yes, Oz claims to be some sort of media expert, yet his posts are all Kremlin narratives to the point where they are pretty much a Copy & Paste of Dmitry Medvedev`s Telegram channel. And that makes for some hilarious reading. For someone who supposedly has such an intricate knowledge of the media, it really is startling how he seems to accept the Russian and Chinese State Media narratives, which are basically mafia approved when you look into the mechanics of the CCP and United Russia, yet he thinks the Western media is constantly lying despite the fact that the levels of transparency and fact checking are night and day. Bare in mind that I work in HK with mainland companies and we often have to deal with press both locally and from the Mainland, so I`ve see this first hand. And on top of that you have all the Chinese Face Culture bullsh*t which is rampant and according to them, every possible problem is the fault of anyone but theirs. People like Putin, Xi and Trump are senile auld gits who are driven by ego and power. Putin started the war to distract the Russian people from the corruption allegations from Navalny and others that were gaining traction and he has history of that. Xi has a whole cult of personality surrounding him including that he supposedly graduated from University, when the reality is that he didn`t complete primary school and his daughter (like many CCP officials) had to switch her citizenship to HK so that she could also hold a foreign passport. And just look how Trump reacted to Zelensky rightly saying that he has fallen for Russian disinformation and then rejecting extortion over the minerals deal - toys oot the pram. For me, the real irony is how Oz has gone from being fairly respected on these boards to now siding with the absolute zoomers like Bletchley...reminds me a wee bit of Putin and Kim Jong Un tbh! Reply |
115. Author: OzPar Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 01:46 TOWK said: "Just straight outright lies from Oz Par." Would you care to elaborate, TOWK? Precisely what in my post is a lie? I believe everything I posted here to be the truth, unlike the utter bullshit you post in defence of your murderous zionist friends. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. --- Wee Eck said: "All this stuff about `my sources are more reliable than your sources` is tiresome for those of us who have no sure way of authenticating the news. If Russia has won the war why is Putin prepared to engage in peace talks?" For the past couple of years, I have tried my best to explain on here the extent to which Brits, Americans, Aussies, and doubtless, Europeans too, have collectively been subject to an organised whitewashing of the news we receive. It doesn`t take a rocket scientist to determine that the sometimes horrifying unedited clips we see on widely-available social media doesn`t match with the narrative we are being fed on our daily news and current affairs programmes. However, it does require a deeper understanding of how the media works to clearly identify the methods being used to pull the wool over our eyes. --- HJ said: "Wow. Seems we have the tankies uniting on dotnet! Now I`m worried that there`s a tendency for men to start becoming authoritarian tankie schills as soon as we hit our late 60s!" Quite apart from clearly being an ageist twerp, you post the most arrant nonsense. Almost everything you post on here is factually wrong. EDITED TO ADD: The Ukraine situation summarised quite succinctly by Roger Waters... [youtube]NYKetrodpoY[/youtube] Post Edited (Sun 23 Feb 01:56) Reply |
116. Author: Raymie the Legend Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 10:59 Interesting video link to Sun article ![]() It`s bloody tough being a legend Ron Atkinson - 1983 Reply |
117. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 11:10 I need evidence, not some YouTube video mind (which after all is the biggest media platform in the world, talk about MSM!) of th CIA funded coup in Ukraine. Such a successful coup, which happened in 2005 by the way, that Ukraine still hadn`t joined NATO. If that was the plan of the cia why by 2014 had they still not joined? No the Orange Revolution in Ukraine was all too real , the people weren`t about to let their nation become corrupted any further by Russian influenced oligarchy and that sort of attitude represented a real and present danger to the ruling oligarchy structure inside Russia. Oz you`re just a Trump/Putin/Xi fanboy (the Xi bit I understand as your homeland has to get used to being under his thumb). Not a single word has been uttered by you about Trump`s plan to relocate the Palestinians from Gaza, a plan that has the gleeful support of Netanyahu. Why is that I wonder? You were all over anything Biden done in the other thread but have mysteriously went very quiet about Trump`s amping up of US support. I think what irritates most though is your attitude and belief that the `wool is being pulled over our eyes` and that you are one of the enlightened few that can see through the bs to the real truth. I doubt it has ever occured to you that you could be the one being duped. That the same techniques you accuse us of being fooled by could be used successfully on you. Alas for you Oz I think you have been taken in hook line and sinker. It`s why almost 18 months (not approaching a year) after you said the fall of Ukraine was imminent the frontline has barely moved at all in real terms. It`s is why only last year you thought George Galloway was the most influential politician in the UK . It`s why you thought that somehow Israeli cities were going to be reduced to rubble by Hezbollah rockets. That`s the problem when you only see everything from one viewpoint, when you get all your info from one compromised source. You don`t see the whole picture. You don`t see all the angles and you want it to be one way. But it`s the other. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
118. Author: Andrew283 Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 11:45 Bird flu now endemic to US Cows. This is going to be a right laugh. How`s the price of those eggs going? Reply |
119. Author: wee eck Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 12:15 The MSM generally can`t agree about much in politics but somehow they`re all conspiring to give us a false picture of what`s happening in Ukraine and Palestine. It`s all `fake news`. Where have I heard that expression before? Roger Waters is entitled to his opinion but I`m not clear why he should be given more credibility than other bloggers/influencers or whatever you want to call them. Reply |
120. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Sun 23rd Feb 2025. 12:20 Russia launches largest drone attack since the start of the war to help oust the dictator. Meanwhile, Israel refusing to release 600 prisoners as part of the ceasefire deal despite getting the hostages they demanded. Oh and Musk tells all government officials to tell them of their achievements from last week or resign! What a world we live in! Post Edited (Sun 23 Feb 12:21) Reply |